July 7, 2006 – 6:52 pm
Have y'all seen this book yet? I have wandered by it in the book store a few times, took an hour to peruse it while having a coffee at the local Borders. And, boy, it really was as bad as you would think it would be, considering it is pretty much a rip off of […]
July 7, 2006 – 8:10 am
It's that time of the week again, however, the Official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party has been banished for the day. Deaf has already had a good week, what with the seething over Independence Day, the handwringing and blame over North Korea's silly little missile launches, and abject moonbattery for Bush's birthday. Instead, the […]
July 6, 2006 – 10:48 pm
Several fine new members to add to the American Flag League. Give it up for Fix 4 RSO Tidbits and Treasures Jonathan Murrary Welcome aboard, Matey's!!
July 6, 2006 – 2:13 pm
GWB has turned the big 6-0 today, and all of us (2) here at Pirate's Cove wish him a wonderful birthday! (H/T to Blogs for Bush)
July 6, 2006 – 1:21 pm
I have to chuckle. Liberals have hissy fits approaching conniption and apoplexy whenever anyone wonders what Clinton was doing while the terrorists were coming back and forth into the U.S.A., training to take down the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the White House. Their normal answer is "who was in charge on 9/11?" Ah, […]
July 6, 2006 – 12:05 pm
Now, I will admit that I am not hardcore against abortion. I detest the casual way it is used and talked about, and I am dead set against late term abortions except as a true medical emergency. It turns my stomach that the Libs do not want parental notification in what is a monumentous decision […]
July 6, 2006 – 8:48 am
Yes, it is that time of the week again. Time to expose the ACLU for the idiots they really are. Case in point (from the Anchorage Daily News): Attorneys for a civil liberties group argued Wednesday that a new state law recriminalizing marijuana usurps 30 years of Alaska Supreme Court right-to-privacy decisions and should be […]
July 6, 2006 – 12:06 am
Yet the media were rather quiet on this story The United Nations is investigating a report that U.N. peacekeepers in Congo allegedly fired mortars at a civilian area and stood by as Congolese troops set a village ablaze, a spokesman said Monday. The report in the London-based Observer on Sunday said South African and Pakistani […]
July 5, 2006 – 3:16 pm
The impasse in how to fund the government in New Joisey is a good example of why liberal ideas are detestable and not People friendly. What is Gov Corzine's (D) idea? He wants to raise NJ's sales tax from 6% to 7%. And the Democratic led Assembly's idea? Raise the income tax on people who […]
July 5, 2006 – 10:31 am
They can't all be bad, can they? That's why the leftards want them to have trials (also, so they can thumb their noses at Bush and say nanny nanny boo boo.) And none of them are terrorists, right? Six Frenchmen who were released from the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay over the past two […]