Monthly Archives: July 2006

Expressing MY Free Speech Rights

You burn what you want, I'll burn what I want. Fair? PS: anyone else feel like expressing their pyromaniac urges? Photoshop something and email me it

HuffPuff Loves Jews

The Jew bashers were out in full force at the Huff Puff. Such tolerance by those on the Left. The whole world should be outraged at Israel for this act of war vengeance. The US should be first to show it's anger at this Israeli mission to exact missiles to kill the Palestinian Prime Minister. […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy July 4th Weekend! How about a new one And an older one?

Former Rented Dem VP Candidate Calls For War On Poverty

Breck Girl makes a reappearence (sorry, couldn't resist this political story): Former vice presidential candidate John Edwards, who is mulling over a run for the presidency in 2008, called for withdrawal from Iraq within the next 18 months, and for the U.S. government to launch another war _ on poverty _ in a speech Friday […]

Tame South Park

I've never seen South Park so tame [gv data=”InHsN4MgxB0″][/gv]  

DU Loves Noah’s Ark

Instead of the normal seething about politics, how about some normal seething about religion? Some archaeologists claim they have found Noah's Ark Exploring more than 13,000 feet high in the rugged Elburz mountain range northwest of Tehran, a team of archaeologists from Texas believe they have found the remains of Noah's Ark. "I can't imagine […]

Cell Phone Etiquette

Because it is Cell Phone Courtesy Month Virgin Mobile offers tips on proper cell phone etiquette. Here are a few more Do not scream obscenities into the phone at the top of your lungs, unless you are at home Do not accuse that nice person at the cell phone store of cutting your phone off because […]

Pirate's Cove