Monthly Archives: July 2006

No One Expects The Indian Inquisition!

  "Nobody expects the Spanish Indian Inquisition! Our chief weapon is censorship…censorship and repression…censorship and repression…. Our two weapons are censorship and repression…and ruthless incompetence…. Our *three* weapons are censorship, repression, and ruthless incompetence…and an almost fanatical devotion to the Muslims…. Our *four*…no… *Amongst* our weapons…. Amongst our weaponry…are such elements as censorship, repression…. I'll come […]

Not Banned In Iran

So, I was playing around with some proxy IP's yesterday, seeing if I was blocked in India, along with the other Band of the Banned. Yup. Banned, blocked, no access. However, get this: I ran across some Iranian IP's, and was able to get two to work. None of us was banned. You would think […]

Stand With Israel

Via Banned In India sister Beth, I have added the "Stand With Israel" banner in the upper right hand corner (comes out in the background on journalized-help!) Get your own from JackLewis.Net

Illegal Aliens Busted at Fort Bragg

Last Thursday, July 18th, it was originally report that a whole slew of illegal aliens were busted at Fort Bragg, in Fayetteville, NC. And, now, the contractors who hired them are under investigation: FORT BRAGG — Nine contractors at Fort Bragg are being investigated for hiring the 58 workers who were detained for trying to […]

Trackback Friday Featuring the Surrender Monkey!

It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it!   The Murtha Monkey is making an appearence this week to give […]

Not Unbanned In India

Looks like Indian gov't only meant to lift the ban on the parent companies, not off of the specific blogs (h/t Editors in Pajamas): The Department of Telecom (DoT) has instructed all the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the country to block only the specified website/webpages on the parent website. The DoT, in its letter […]

Some Whiny Americans In Lebanon

So, I was listening to Rush briefly on the way to lunch, and he was reading from a New Republic blog article about silly Americans vacationing in Lebanon. Lebanon? I guess it is about as safe as New Jersey in the summer, as long as one stays out of Beiruit, er, Camden. Of course, there […]

Hurricane Evac Orders? Bah Humbug

Apparently, last years hurricane season, one of the most active ever, including Katrina and Rita (I sitll like Ophelia), has not changed peoples minds One in four people in Southern coastal states said they would ignore government hurricane evacuation orders, according to a Harvard University survey done earlier this month. The most common reasons respondents […]

Cut And Run vs Stay And Die

I'm so glad that the UselessA Today has given an opinion piece featuring a Conservative and a Surrender Monkey such a middle of the road title. Cal Thomas is a conservative columnist. Bob Beckelis a liberal Democratic strategist. But as longtime friends, they can often find common ground on issues that lawmakers in Washington cannot. […]

Damn. Unbanned In India

And guess what? Fixed without the help of the ACLU. One would have thought the ACL-f'ing-U would have stood up for the freedom of speech of the Band of the Banned, but, alas, we were neither liberal wackjobs nor terrorists. Just some people who know how to photoshop. (From the International Herald Tribune) After two […]

Pirate's Cove