Al Reuters reports that Lebanon is demanding a cease fire:
Lebanon's prime minister, choking back tears, demanded a "quick and decisive ceasefire" on Monday after an Israeli air raid that he said killed more than 40 civilians sheltering from fighting in a southern village.
Companion photo:
I haven't had time to really delve into the whole al-Reuters fake photo thang, but Dr. Rusty caught them fooling around with even more photos.
Michelle Malkin has a good roundup, as well as on clone stamping.
Vinnie catches more rogue photoshopping.
Beth at MVRWC makes a discovery which destroys al-Reuters.
Reuters Rocked: More Adnan Hajj Photoshopping & The Reuters Lebanese Mystery Woman Who’s Always Ready For Her Close-Up…
*****UPDATE***** Reuters pulls all Hajj photos. Congratulations conservative blogosphere, especially Jawa, you’ve done it again. SCROLL to the bottom of this post for full details and more updates… ****SCROLL FOR UPDATES**** AFP labels one photo wit…
EXCLUSIVE: Another BIG Reuters / Adnan Hajj Scandal Busted…
I was turned on to yet another Hajj scandal by reader Michelle, and have dug a little deeper to add to it. Obviously Hajj is officially discredited so the piling on isn’t necessary, but the point still remains that Reuters……
PHOTOS: “Green Helmet’s” Friend “White T-Shirt” A Hizbollah Fighter?…
This is one I’ll leave for readers and especially photo experts to decide on their own, but reader Michelle wonders if the man known as “White T-Shirt” (yeah, “Green Helmet’s Qana pal), is actually the same man as a Hizbollah……