Love it!
HA! "A tattered United Nations flag blows in the wind at the Tyre Rest House"
Do you have an interesting post? Well, go ahead and leave a trackback, with a reciprical link back to me. Others offering open trackbacks are over in the right sidebar, near bottom.

My emails to you requesting to be added to the AFL blogroll keep bouncing probably because I use Hotmail and you’re using NOSPAM. I’ve added a flag and the code to my blog.
Chaos Reigns in Wake of Terror Plot, Ben Franklin Nowhere to be Found…
Yesterday the British government uncovered a plot to blow up numerous airplanes in mid-flight. The plot involved the use of explosive gels that were to be hidden in hand luggage. This new idea for sneaking deadly technology onto a plane……
William, I love that photo. I’m tempted to rip it off from you to use for my open post :( But I guess I won’t.
I love your posts about the positive things the military is doing :)
Thank you, Beth. I think the good news needs to get out there, even from a little blog.
And, by all means, steal the photo. I did :)
Reuters Job Competitions…
It seems there are an awfully lot of bloggers vying for a position with Reuters as a replacement to the photoshopper the ‘news’ median recently lost due to an enormously pathethic photoshopping job.
The competition is stiff.
In the spirit o…
Neal Boortz’s Fond Farewell To Cynthia McKinney…
In Wednesday’s Nealz Nuze by Neal Boortz, Neal offers a very hilarious farewell to Georgia congresscritter Cynthia McKinney who lost to Hank Johnson in the Democratic runoff election earlier this week:
Dixie Chicks – Beginning To Reap What They Have Sown…
The Dixie Chicks
Let’s see…insult the President of the United States on foreign soil…insult Texans in the process…insult country music fans in general…release a new album with very little country influence…and when you’re forced to cance…
If Joe Lieberman Can Run As An Independent Candidate In November……
…then why can’t anyone else?
[…] The Pirate’s Cove has one of the best Iraeli – Hezbollah War Photos – and it’s not photoshopped! […]