Monthly Archives: August 2006

The Dead Castro Dance

Sean Gleason outdid himself. For your eyes only all eyes, the Dead Castro Dance! 'Cept no pirates included! What's up with that? At least there is no discussion of Jamie Lynn Spears Naked. Heh! Go here for the 411 if you're going "Huh? What the hell are you talking about, Teach?" And, yes, I did […]

The Rights That Really Matter

Those on the Left constantly complain about the Rights they have lost, but can never actually pin down a specific incident of them being denied Rights. They misquote the Bill of Rights, and half of them do not even seem to understand that the Bill is part and parcel of the Constitution. Yet, they forget […]

Trackback Friday Featuring the Surrender Monkey!

It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it! Once again, the Defeatocrats are treating international terrorism as a political blame […]

Water Plant In Iraq Gets Upgrade

CNN? MSNBC? cBS? UselessA Today? Hello? Yoo hoo? (from Defend America) For nearly two years, the Al Wathba Water Treatment Plant has been undergoing a $22 million upgrade to bring more fresh, potable water to Baghdad residents. That facility serves the Rusafa area in northeast Baghdad with markets, businesses, medical facilities, and about 300,000 residents […]

Iraqi 4th Stands Up

More good news you won't see in the Drive By Media (From DefenseLink) The Iraqi army is halfway to its goal of 10 divisions as the 4th Division assumed command of the area north of Baghdad yesterday. The division assumed primary control of its area of responsibility from the 101st Airborne Division. This is the […]

Great Israeli-Hezbollah War Photo (and Linkfest)

Love it! HA! "A tattered United Nations flag blows in the wind at the Tyre Rest House" Do you have an interesting post? Well, go ahead and leave a trackback, with a reciprical link back to me. Others offering open trackbacks are over in the right sidebar, near bottom.

Major Terrorist Plot Thwarted In England

If one has to wake up and hear the radio blaring out about terrorism, it's good that it is because it was stopped, not because the attack was successful (from MSNBC) British police thwarted on Thursday what they said was a plot to blow up aircraft in mid-flight between Britain and the United States and […]

Egyptian 11-Be On Lookout

Michelle Malkin has a report on the Egyptian 11, three of whom have been captured. Check it out (H/t The Jawa Report) Apparently, the FBI were a bt tightfisted with the photos.

Jill Carrol Captors Arrested

Amazing that this good news made it into the MSM (though no photoshopping involved: BAGHDAD (Reuters) – The U.S. military said on Wednesday it had arrested four Iraqis suspected of being involved in the abduction of U.S. journalist Jill Carroll, held hostage for 82 days before her release earlier this year. "Coalition forces have detained […]

Mass. Legislature Says Nyet To GI Schooling

But don't you dare accuse the Left of not supporting the troops (Boston Herald) Lawmakers have slammed the classroom door shut on Massachusetts soldiers home from Iraq and seeking to go to state college, failing to cough up $8 million needed for crucial tuition waivers. Army and Air National Guard soldiers expecting to be rewarded […]

Pirate's Cove