Monthly Archives: August 2006

Care To See Your Personal Information?

Do ya? Give me your name, and I can find your address, current and past ones, your date of birth, your phone number, maybe even your work address. How about a link directly to a background check on you? Property, 20 year history, criminal. Even a satellite photo of where you live. Sound intruiging? Or […]

Revenge Of The Cease Fire

Al Reuters reports that Lebanon is demanding a cease fire: Lebanon's prime minister, choking back tears, demanded a "quick and decisive ceasefire" on Monday after an Israeli air raid that he said killed more than 40 civilians sheltering from fighting in a southern village. Companion photo:

Beer Monday Linkfest: Olmert Goes Tuh-ray-za On EU

This commercial was banned. Not sure why. [gv data=””][/gv] The EU would like to ban Israeli PM Ehud Olmert, or at least his comments. Olmert didn’t go quite as far as telling the EU to “shove it,” but he did lay a nice little smack down Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told European leaders to stop […]

American Flag Business

Check it out, have another fine member to add the the American Flag League. Give it up for DeMediacratic Nation Welcome aboard, Matey!

Remember This Next Time a Dem Slams US Troops

One of the books I am reading now is Strategery, by Bill Sammon. He makes mention of a quote from the Dems rented goalie presidential contender, John Kerry, during his convention acceptance speech: I know what kids go through when they are carrying an M-16 in a dangerous place and they can't tell friend from […]

Cartoon Time!

I usually stay away from the editorial cartoons, but, I was seeing what the latest seethefest from Patty Oliphant was. Not surprising, a clearly racist cartoon of Condi. That's apparently OK, since Pat is a "compassionate progressive." But, I ran across this one by Steve Benson And how about by Chuck Assay?

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  And a happy Sunday to all. Yet another classic pinup by Gil Elvgren. What can I say, the man paints some excellent ones.

Human Rights Watch Remembers Hezbollah

The other day I wrote a post about HRW forgetting Hezbollah's actions in a release that condemned Israel soley. I even went so far as to write HRW, asking why that was. The response I recieved from HRW was less then satisfactory. To be honest, it was a total copout. I was considering posting it, […]

France-US Agree On ME Resolution-Inside Info!

*MUST QUOTE THE PIRATE'S COVE!!!!!* I have obtained inside information regarding France's material support to peace between Israel and Hezbollah

DUmmie Thought of The Day

The typical "progressive" TwoSparkles  If there is another 9/11 in this country…  …what will the terrorist act(s) be? After reading Fisk's article in The Guardian–and watching the United States provoke our enemies with horrendous actions–I am convinced that a major terrorist attack is inevitable. We are openly cultivating rage. Our nation, practically stood alone–giving the […]

Pirate's Cove