August 4, 2006 – 4:34 pm
Seriously. That is what the book "The Good Fight: Why Liberals — And Only Liberals –Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again" is saying. I ran across this at the Barnes and Nobles while waitinf on a pizza, and about died laughing. Consider, from inside the jacket: Once upon a time, liberals […]
August 4, 2006 – 4:34 pm
Or, does it? Ye Olde Associated Press discusses unemplyment hitting 5 month high: Hiring slowed in July as employers added just 113,000 new jobs, propelling the unemployment rate to a five-month high of 4.8 percent and providing fresh evidence that companies are growing cautious amid high energy prices. Gee, Clinton ran on on his great […]
August 4, 2006 – 11:25 am
Ahh, the Party of Hypocrites strikes again: A Republican election-year effort to combine a cut in inheritance taxes on multimillion-dollar estates with the first minimum-wage increase in nearly a decade was rejected by the Senate late Thursday. Republicans needed 60 votes to advance their bill, which links a $2.10 increase in the $5.15 federal minimum […]
August 4, 2006 – 8:33 am
It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it! Ah, yes, the "progressives" dirty little secret. The Party that has a […]
August 3, 2006 – 7:02 pm
As typical with these "progressive" groups, they only seem to go after one side, in this case Israel, and forget about the actual bad guys, in this case, Hezbollah (direct from Human Rights Watch): Israeli forces have systematically failed to distinguish between combatants and civilians in their military campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon, Human Rights Watch […]
August 3, 2006 – 10:32 am
Amazing, simply amazing: A judge who dismissed charges against a man accused of buying a case of beer for a 17-year-old, saying prosecutors failed to prove Miller Genuine Draft was an alcoholic beverage, was mistaken, state Superior Court ruled. "This finding was incorrect,'' said the Superior Court ruling in the case against Gregg R. Hartman, […]
August 3, 2006 – 10:30 am
This should drive Lefty groups like the ACLU and the Demorats insane: (from Yahoo News) US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said the US government could "indefinitely" hold foreign 'enemy combatants' at sites like the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. "We can detain any combatants for the duration of the hostilities," said Gonzales, speaking […]
August 3, 2006 – 8:05 am
Considering the fundamental learning problems in our public schools, you would think that the ACLU would be for quality education. Alas, that is not the case: Plans to hold separate-gender classes at a Livingston Parish junior high school this fall are being challenged by the American Civil Liberties Union. In a letter sent to the […]
August 2, 2006 – 5:45 pm
From a post by Jane Hamster Hamsher Imagine if a Conservative had posted that blatently racist photo, which is supposed to be Slick with Joe Lieberman. Update: looks like someone pulled the photo from the post at the HuffPuff. However, you can still read the comments that refer to it, at least until they wack them, like […]
August 2, 2006 – 3:03 pm
Made it for about an hour and a half at the pool, just too hot!