Monthly Archives: August 2006

McKinney Gets her (law)Suit On

Geez, I reckon today should be Lawsuit Wednesday, rather then White Trash Wednesday. Seems ol' Cynthia McKinney is a wee bit upset about something written about her in the newspapers (via Wizbang) Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) is suing an Atlanta newspaper (the Atlanta Journal Constitution) for libel, after printing comments stemming from her run-in with police […]

SM Murtha Being Sued By Marine

Hey, y'all, Jebediah here. It's not Trackback Friday featuring the Surrender Monkey, however, the Official Surrender Monkeys cousin, Murtha Monkey, has agreed to join us today. People (read lefties) constantly complain about the loss of Free Speech. Well, that supposed loss sure didn't stop Rep. John Murtha from talking his way into a lawsuit: A Marine Corps […]

FDA Rethinks Medication For Drunk, Irresponsible Pregosuaras’

This must have made the abortion on demand crowd jubilent: The Food and Drug Administration unexpectedly announced its willingness Monday to make the emergency contraceptive, Plan B, available without prescription – but only to women 18 and older. The announcement is the most concrete indication to date that the FDA, after more than two years […]

Kerry’s HUGE Press Conference

Kerry spoke the other day in Iowa. This is what the AP wants you to see:   This is the reality: Have fun running in 2008, John!  (h/t hoagie19013) Raven has some interesting info on Der Poodle and his health care plan.

Crazy Gov Bureau

I reckon I have now seen it all. North Carolina has a State Department of Refrigeration. I wonder how this will come out, posting from my new Crackberry. Finally trashed the old one. No access to a PC till this evening.

Will Libs Hold Candlelight Vigils?

Castro had a bit of surgery, and has had to turn power over to his brother in the interim. Ye Olde AP has written a glowing piece on him, rife with verbage that portrays him in a beneficent light. All that is missing is the recomendation to hold candlelight vigils and, well, they cannot pray, so at […]

Pirate's Cove