August 17, 2006 – 5:47 pm
Really. Does the ACLU even remember that the first word in their acronym is American? (from Yahoo News) Hispanic activists and the ACLU sued Hazleton on Tuesday over one of the toughest crackdowns on illegal immigrants by a U.S. city. Hazleton, a city of about 31,000 people 80 miles from Philadelphia, voted last month to […]
August 17, 2006 – 2:34 pm
Somewhere in Wake County, NC, I'm sure some public servant has been fired who is Caucasian recently. So, in order to support them, I am recommending that on Labor Day, 2006, whites only buy from white owned business' in Wake County. Shocking? Is that racist?
August 17, 2006 – 11:40 am
Folks, for those who aren't aware of it, there is a 9/11 Tribute that D. Challener Roe started up awhile back. It aims to pay individual tribute to the 2,996 Americans who lost their lives on 9/11. I myself have honor of paying tribute to Brooke Alexandra Jackman on the Pirate's Cove and Andrew H. […]
August 17, 2006 – 9:21 am
This is very interesting info regarding Yemen A radical mosque preacher in Sana’a was sacked earlier this week for preaching hatred and inciting violence against foreign interests in Yemen, Hamoud Obad, Minister of Endowment and Guidance revealed to the Yemen Observer. “The Imam of Abu Baker al-Seeddiq mosque in a neighborhood of Sana’a was fired from […]
August 17, 2006 – 7:17 am
This should drive the abortion-on-demand progressives stark raving mad(der) (from the AFP) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called on parents in India to stop seeing girls as an economic liability and to end the practice of killing unborn female foetuses. Singh's appeal on India's 59th Independence Day came four days after the grisly discovery of 25 […]
August 16, 2006 – 9:15 pm
MSM? Hello? Anyone? (from DefenseLink) At the exact site of the most painful event in the Pentagon’s history — the Sept. 11, 2001, attack that claimed 184 lives here — a couple brought together through the tragedy recently became the first to exchange wedding vows in the Pentagon Memorial Chapel. “It’s like the phoenix rising […]
August 16, 2006 – 6:50 pm
Gawdawful funny! Libs on vacation (Republicans go to the beach) All small animals should be very scared about now. Loons in large masks with thick dowels. "No, we cannot hold a job. Why do you ask?" Bought land under false premises. Leave cash to pay for snickers bars. I think I saw this on National […]
August 16, 2006 – 1:04 pm
For years the Leftards have screamed bloody murder over the PDF "Bin Laden Determined To Strike The USA," despite it being background information with absolutely zero actionable intelligence. Yet, when an instance, such as the plot in Britain or today's diversion of a flight to Boston happens, nothing to see, move along: gopgoingdown What, the […]
August 16, 2006 – 9:15 am
On Monday night, I mentioned that a baby was involved in the plot to blow up planes originating from the U.K. Finally have a story and the correct names: These are the twisted young British parents who planned to sacrifice their precious baby in the evil cause of jihad by mass murder. Fanatical terror suspect […]
August 16, 2006 – 8:07 am
Hey, y'all, Jebediah here. Ya know, there are lots of them thar moonbats who think we'uns have lost lots of free speech. At they same time, they are smearing W, Cheney, Rove, and any and all Conservatives and Republicans they can, saying stuff that could easily be construed as slander and libel. As the author […]