Monthly Archives: August 2006

Surrender Monkey Tuesday

The Surrender Monkey's boozehound nephew has made an appearence to herald in the new Democratic appeasement and surrender plan, as spoke by the New York Times After being outmaneuvered in the politics of national security in the last two (WT: Two?)elections, Democrats say they are determined not to cede the issue this year and are […]

Jill Carroll Talks. 5 Year Old Jihadi Included

The Christian Science Monitor has a fantastic series of stories on former Islamic kidnapping victim, Jill Carroll. I highly recommend that everyone read the whole thing, but I would like to point out one section, which highlights the sickening moral decay of the Islamic fascists After a short drive we switched cars, and I cowered, […]

Another Iraqi Unit Stands Up

From the official Operation Iraqi Freedom website Iraqi forces took control of another area of Baghdad on Monday after the latest in a series of transfer of authority ceremonies near the capital. Army Col. Claude Ebel, commander of the 2nd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division said responsibility for Forward Operating Base Mahmudiyah South, a base of […]

Tuesday Linkfest: Marine Artist Renders Iraqi Hero

Not in the Drive By Media, who would get the heebie jeebies if they accessed a Department of Defense website A Marine's latest piece of artwork won’t hang in a museum. It’s going to be on display in this city west of Baghdad for Fallujans to remember one of their martyred heroes. Maj. Alex J. […]

South Lebanese Returning Home

From the AFP BEIRUT (AFP) – A ceasefire aimed at silencing the guns in Lebanon took hold, sending thousands of displaced Lebanese streaming back home in the war-battered south as Hezbollah claimed a "historic victory". Tyre resident Sallammi Abdul Katchew stated "It's really not that bad. Ever been to Camden, N.J.? I got the hell […]

Baby Involved In Terrorist Plot In Britain

Unfortunately, I have not been able to find an article to support what I overheard on WPTF-680 Raleigh during the news break at this time, however, they reported that there is good reason for the baby formula tasting at airport screening areas. Not to annoy people. Not for vicarious thrills. And not to end up […]

General Pace On Iraq

Funny how stuff like this rarely makes it into the MSM (From DefenseLink): The will of the United States is the only question in whether the nation’s effort in Iraq and Afghanistan will succeed, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said today. “There is no way to militarily lose this war,” Marine Gen. […]

Beer Monday Linkfest: Seymour Hersh Imbides

And a happy start of the work week. Time for a brew!  [gv data=”sl3fCZuZ9nY”][/gv] And, based on this story, Seymour Hersh is well ahead of us (from the New Yorker) In the days after Hezbollah crossed from Lebanon into Israel, on July 12th, to kidnap two soldiers, triggering an Israeli air attack on Lebanon and […]

American Flag Business

Check it out, another great member added to the American Flag League. Give a big welcome to Carla's Country Living Welcome aboard, matey!

Sorry, Everybody: The Book

Just when you thought the Leftards couldn't get any sadder, along comes Yikes! Oh, and nice try with the fake soldier  

Pirate's Cove