Really, this is just sad. The official website of the Braying Asses, er, Defeatocrats, um, Democrats, beseeched Braying Asses to call radio stations and tell them what the Democrats are going to do for the working classes
On Labor Day, think about issues that affect working Americans. Call in to a radio show and talk about how Democrats fight for working Americans.
First, check out some of the Democratic talking points.
- * America’s workers, their families and communities benefit when the rights to organize and bargain collectively are respected, protected and enforced, but those rights have been increasingly ignored and denied in recent years.
- * The last minimum wage increase was passed 10 years ago, and Democrats believe a raise for America’s lowest paid workers is long overdue.
- * Republicans have refused to pass an urgently needed minimum wage increase unless it is tied to a huge tax giveaway for 7500 multi-millionaires.
- * The Employee Free Choice Act would make it harder for employers to interfere with workers’ free exercise of their right to form unions, and help workers win contracts after they have won union elections.
Are they for real? Unfortunately, so. Do they realize that most talk show hosts take labor day off, and that lots of people are off? Probably not. The seething continues 24/7 on their side.
Now, they are trying to scare people, most of whom are not members of unions, about not being able to unionize. Most people could care less. We are not unionized in my area of the country for my company. Others are. I have yet to hear any rep in any store worry about it. And, for those who know the facts, the last thing management wants to do is interfere. Very, very, BAD!
Maybe the Braying Asses should consider the hypocrisy of their "next Speaker of the House," who refuses to allow unions at her hotel, restaurants and wineries. Oops!
And, amazingly, they mention raising the minimum wage, and in the next breath, fail to mention that they voted against the last hike, which failed without their "yea's."
Politics are about give and take. Compromise. How would tax breaks for the rich affect those getting a minimum wage hike? The BA's fail to tell us.
Like they fail to tell us their actual plans for anything. Except the war on terror, where they will surrender.
Don’t tell them that most Americans, even the low paid ones, don’t work on holidays. They’ll continue to campaign at closed for the holidays factories.
I spent my Labor Day wiping my ass with $20 bills because of Republican policies.
Dems are so cute when they are insane.