Beer Monday Linkfest: Call Out The Guard

And a happy start of the work week. How 'bout a brewski? Kathleen Blanco sure needs one

National guard troops, called to New Orleans in June after a quintuple homicide, will stay in there through December, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco said.

Apparently she is just realizing that the National Guard is usefull. Also, that the liberal "War on Poverty," of which she cannot bear blame for starting, creates an underclass that is violent and criminal. Hey, don't jump on me for saying it, libs

Most speakers cited the city's poverty, bad public schools and history of political corruption as contributing factors in its crime problem, the newspaper said.

New Orleans recorded 104 homicides this year compared with 206 at this time last year, the newspaper said. Because the city's population is about half of what it was before Hurricane Katrina, the homicide rate per capita was virtually unchanged.

You could say that the War on Poverty is quagmired, but that would denote that it is only a tough problem to be solved with American ingenuity, rather then seriously FUBAR.

Somehow they'll blame decades of welfare recipients being criminal on Bush, though. People who just sit down and chill.

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5 Responses to “Beer Monday Linkfest: Call Out The Guard”

  1. Teach – you just ruined my day. I’m moving to New Orleans!

  2. The Amazing Race 10 : Triple Elimination Round…

    However, the reality series was faced with unexpected consequences right out of the gate. Four minutes after the race began in Seattle Washington, the Muslim team, Bilal and Sa’eed, detonated a fifty pound car bomb, shouting: “Death to the infidels! …

  3. William Teach says:

    Sorry, Greta. I didn’t want to say anything on your site, but the story was too juicy to pass up.

  4. […] Linked to one of my favorite Manly Men. […]

  5. Stacy says:

    Ah, the left; you’re correct, they will most definitely find a way to blame this on Bush.

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