Monthly Archives: September 2006

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TrackBack Friday, Featuring The DNC Surrender Monkey! 9/8/06

It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it! Today, Surrendy points us to a story that Gaius picked up on, […]

Clintonistas: Freedom Of Speech Only Applies When We Say

You have to love liberals. They cannot stand it when someone criticizes them. They love to dish it out, but are pure woosies when the shoe is on the other foot. And the will whine to the point that they want to stifle Free Speech: A "terribly wrong" miniseries about events leading to the Sept. […]

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Michelle Malkin has a look at the difference between what the Left and the Right are doing to commemorate 9/11. While most of us are participating in the 2,996 Project, the DUmmies are going to google bomb over the 9/11 movie that is critical of Slick. Matter of fact, that would be about the only […]

Iraq Assumes Control II And Linkfest

And a happy Thursday to all. Did you know that Iraq is assuming control of their military forces today? I had mentioned the other day that this was going to happen in September, and now the Drive By Media chimes in: Iraq's government takes command of its armed forces from the U.S.-led coalition Thursday, a […]

Stop The ACLU: Bush Gutting Geneva Convention For Terrorists, Says ACLU

From the official Stop The ACLU blogburst by Jay.  It isn’t suprising that the ACLU were quick to react to Bush’s jaw dropping speech admitting to secret CIA prisons and pushing Congress to pass legislation that would put captured terror suspects under the rule of a military tribunal. Via ACLU: America is a nation dedicated […]

Chuck Schumer: Let’s Curtail Freedom

While looking for a news release regarding Chuck's statement after President W's speech on G'itmo, the detainees, et al (he started yapping on about Constitutional rights for the detainees, who, as those with a full deck know, are not American citizens) I ran across this story. In it, he is whining about security for the […]

Anyone With Half A Brain Knows 9/11 Was An Inside Job

From the Daily Mail The 9/11 terrorist attack on America which left almost 3,000 people dead was an "inside job", according to a group of leading academics. Around 75 top professors and leading scientists believe the attacks were puppeteered by war mongers in the White House to justify the invasion and the occupation of oil-rich […]

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Bolton Blasts Surrender Monkey Leader

White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolton pulls out the big guns on SM Harry Reid (from Drudge, h/t Blogs For Bush) with a letter that refutes the Dems "plan for Iraq." B4B highlights this line: Your letter recites four elements of a proposed “new direction” in Iraq. Three of those elements reflect well-established Administration […]

Pirate's Cove