Monthly Archives: September 2006

Dems Don’t Want To Predict Win In November (?)

While the story overall is no bad, this must be the silliest headline I have seen in awhile: Dems loathe to predict win this fall: Call it the campaign with no margin for Republican error, in a nation that is war-weary and eager for change, yet seems wary of the Democratic option. Even Republicans tacitly […]

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Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  And a Happy Sunday to all! This pinup is by Greg Hildebrandt, and is perfect for a nice, lazy Labor Day weekend.

Dems Hate The Death Penalty?

Well, only when it is being applied to gangland killers and pedophiles. But, when it is US soldiers who are having their case recommended for the death penalty, things change. I hate to return for a second day to the fever swamps, but, too good to ignore: Let's check and see how Arianna's little loon crew […]

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As The Leak Trickles

Linda Chavez, writing at the Washington Times, provides a nice little wrap up on "the scandal that wasn't no matter how much the liberals wanted it to be." So now we know. The man behind the leak of former CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity was not presidential adviser Karl Rove, nor Vice President Dick Cheney's […]

Hillary For President?

The Washington Post had an article in which Hils was touting women for president. Of course, we know she is talking about herself. But, how do the folks who really run the Dem Party, the nutroots folks, feel about this? Let's visit the DUmmies * Britney Spears please anyone but Hilary. * Barbara Boxer would be great! […]

Iraqi Units Take Over in Kirkuk

Hmm, the only sources that seem to reference this are the Stars And Strips, The Kurdish Times, and Radio Free Europe (though it is a one sentence blurb). I wonder why? (from Defense Link) Soldiers of the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division transferred responsibility of security for the majority of the Kirkuk Province to […]

Kyra Phillips Goes Top Ten

[gv data=”s7UAS-7YtJ4″][/gv] Well, you have to admit that she is taking it well. She could have gone all wonky, or gotten a sense of humor. She did the latter. Good for her! Of course, while Michelle puts this under Blogger Happy Hour, on reflection, you have to wonder what a supposed "journalist" was doing hitting […]

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Pirate's Cove