Monthly Archives: September 2006

TrackBack Friday, Featuring The DNC Surrender Monkey! 9/22/06

It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it!   It seems that the Defeatocrats are having a little official hissy […]

Bush-McCain Agree On Belly Rubs

Apparently, all the techniques the CIA wanted were approved: The officers told ABC News there was a list of six progressively harsher techniques that were authorized, with the prisoner always handcuffed. The first — the attention grab, involving the rough shaking of a prisoner. Second — the attention slap, an open-handed slap to the face. […]

Iraqi Police Kickin It Up A Notch

Hold on a second. You mean the Iraqi's are still standing up in a big way? But no one in the media is saying anything (from Defenselink News): Iraqi police forces now are trained and equipped to almost 100 percent of the level promised by the coalition and are improving in quality and capability every […]

Another Province In Iraq Handed Over + Linkfest

It appears that the media is getting involved in some of the good news coming from Iraq, though a. it comes from the AFP, and b. they had to throw some negativity into the mix Iraq took control of security from US-led coalition forces in the largely Shiite southern province of Dhi Qar, officials said. […]

Stop The ACLU Blogburst: Voter ID Act

From Stop The ACLU Via The ACLU Website: The American Civil Liberties Union today expressed its disappointment with the House passage of a bill placing undue and unnecessary burdens on Americans’ fundamental right to vote. H.R. 4844, the “Federal Election Integrity Act of 2006,” requires voters to present a government-issued photo ID in order to […]

To Booby Or Not To Booby?

Interesting discussiong going on (still) regarding Boobygate. You remember the whole thing about the Pammy video? Well, there is an interesting, um, well, war going on between some of my favorite posters, with John Hawkins of Right Wing News on one side and Beth of MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Raven of And Rightly So, […]

Dems: Glass Is Always Empty

Back on September 8th, and actually, before that, I reported on Iraqi's taking over their forces. Well, of course, a Proggy (progressive), has to have a little hissy fit I must take issue with the headline on page 3A of the Sept. 8 paper, "Iraq takes control of military." The second paragraph of the AP […]

WTW: That Darn Human Rights Watch

Morning, y'all. Prophet Sallami Sallami here. And, I just have to say how disappointed I am that the infidels at Human Rights Watch have taken Israel's side: Human Rights Watch on Monday criticized the new UN Human Rights Council for its one-sided attacks on Israel and disproportionate attention to the Middle East. The statement also […]

WTW: Dems On Iran’s Side

Morning, y'all, Jebediah here. Why am I not surprised that the DUmmies take the side of Iran and their president? To set it up, Iran's hard-line president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made an unbridled attack last night on the foreign policies of Britain and America and in particular the invasion of Iraq. In remarks that will infuriate […]

Talk Like A Pirate Day

I cannot believe I forgot that today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Well, aaaaaarrrrr, matey, it is.. Unfortunately, I be posting with one of them thar crackberrys, so no graphics nor links. I promiseth thou hot pirate thong ( did they have thongs backeth then?) a wee bit later(eth.) Update: 5 minutes access […]

Pirate's Cove