September 19, 2006 – 11:17 am
With all the focus on Iraq, we sometimes forget all about Afghanistan. Give it up for for the boys in the 10th Mountain Division: Spc. Jose Pantoja shows off the danger of his mission along the border region of eastern Afghanistan: a scar on his cheek from an enemy bullet. During one of the longest […]
September 19, 2006 – 7:24 am
And a happy Tuesday. It appears that President Bush will speak at the UN, cause worldwide angst from Liberals (except in Iran, where liberals are being purged) President Bush will try to convince skeptical world leaders to embrace his vision for the Middle East in a speech before the United Nations on Tuesday where he […]
September 18, 2006 – 9:15 pm
Woooooot! An Italian thief accidentally turned himself in after losing his cellular phone while robbing an elderly lady, calling his own number to meet the finder — and unwittingly arranging a date with police.
September 18, 2006 – 3:36 pm
This definately goes in the "dumbazz statement of the month" category Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., warned Democratic activists Sunday that the party must take a tougher stance on national security if it wants to succeed in the November elections. "What Democrats have to do is to close the deal," said Obama, the keynote speaker at […]
September 18, 2006 – 12:05 pm
And I'm sure that this will be a long running theme (from Al Reuters) Al Qaeda militants in Iraq vowed war on "worshippers of the cross" and protesters burned a papal effigy on Monday over Pope Benedict's comments on Islam, while Western churchmen and statesmen tried to calm passions. The statement by an umbrella group […]
September 18, 2006 – 7:58 am
And a happy start of the work week. How 'bout a brewski? Kathleen Blanco sure needs one National guard troops, called to New Orleans in June after a quintuple homicide, will stay in there through December, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco said. Apparently she is just realizing that the National Guard is usefull. Also, that the […]
September 17, 2006 – 9:34 pm
When your down by 17, and need a big win, who you gonna call? Eli Manning (to the tune of Ghostbusters) Down by 17 with 13:41 to go. 13:40 down by 10. And so on. Till it comes down to a 6 point Gmen victory in OT, baby! You, know, allowing the Giants to come […]
September 17, 2006 – 12:23 pm
In Somalia: Gunmen shot and killed an elderly Italian nun at a children's hospital in the Islamist-controlled Somali capital amid outrage over Pope Benedict XVI's comments about Islam, witnesses said. Is that peaceful, or "evil and inhuman?" On Friday, a prominent Mogadishu cleric called for Muslims to "hunt down" and kill the pontiff for his […]
September 17, 2006 – 9:07 am
 And a Happy Sunday to all. No clue who did this pinup, haven’t been able to find it again. Sigh. Did you know that on this day in history, the Great Seal of the United States was used for the first time in 1782? Quote for the day: The minute you settle for less than […]
September 16, 2006 – 7:33 pm
Looky here, several fabulous new members to add to the American Flag League. Give it up for Samurai Soapbox (now we have an American living in Japan! Cool) Gazing at the Flag (from Oregon. It's almost another country ) Welcome aboard, Mateys!