Morning, y'all, Jebediah here. Ya know, there is a series of books by Jack McDevitt which mention a race of aliens called the Noks, who are very aggressive and perpetually at war, depleting their resources and killing off each other.
Funny, because there are some Noks here on Earth, who are war like, agressive, and tend to kill each other off, too. The AP says that they threaten war against the U.S.
North Korea warned on Wednesday that increased U.S. pressure over the regime's reported nuclear test could be considered an act of war, and South Korea suggested it would build up its conventional arsenal to deal with its belligerent neighbor.
North Korea's No. 2 leader threatened to conduct more nuclear tests if the United States continued what he called its "hostile attitude."
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the United States would not attack North Korea, rejecting a suggestion that Pyongyang may feel it needs nuclear weapons to stave off an Iraq-style U.S. invasion.
"If the U.S. keeps pestering us and increases pressure, we will regard it as a declaration of war and will take a series of physical corresponding measures," the North's Foreign Ministry said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency. The statement didn't specify what those measures could be.
What's that? They didn't actually threaten war? You mean the AP headline was misleading and inflammitory? Many other news outlets picked the story headline up the same way, too.
Beyond that little piece of BS, the rest is basically Democratic talking points. Since Bush is a cowboy and America is so bad, the Noks have to protect themselves from our meanness.
I mentioned four options for dealing with North Korea, but forgot the fifth: the Democratic principle and bargaining method of appeasement. Sorry, braying asses, but I do not think that President Bush or any of the other world leaders will be practicing that. No basketballs or nuclear reactors.
There won't be any one-on-one talks, which is what both the Noks and our Leftards want. The six party talks are the only ones on the table. As Condi said, it is a lot harder to cheat on multiple countries, especially when several of them are right next to North Korea, and one of them is China.
Thanks to Six Meat Buffet for being the first blog I saw the Zucker video at.
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Linked to the ever lovely Beth at Blue Star Chronicles, Third World Country, TMH's Bacon Bits, and Basils Blog.
Don’t y’all forget to visit the rest of the White Trash Wednesday folks. Check the sidebar.
More: Captain Ed points to a timeline of the Clinton administrations repeated, and failed, appeasement of the Noks.