Take note, you bastiches!!!!!!! :p A single word comes to mind regarding what’s hot in Halloween costumes this year: arrr! While that might not pass for a word, the store managers, costume buyers and owners of famous costume shops we spoke with did utter a single word to describe this year’s hottest costume. “Pirates,” says […]
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- Jl on Bummer: Trump Admin Considering Closing Climate Doom Observatory In Hawaii: “So in other words some of the same folks that mandated EVs are attempting to set Tesla EVs on fire,…” Mar 13, 13:54
- drowningpuppies on Bummer: HUD Secretary Puts The Kibosh On DEI Plan In Asheville, NC: “Brandon fucked up yet it’s Trump’s fault. Jeffery Keene of St. Louis says: This is now my new handle. Bwaha!…” Mar 13, 13:10
- drowningpuppies on If All Yous See…: “All bullshit. All the time. Jeffery Keene of St. Louis says: This is now my new handle. Bwaha! Lolgfy! MAGA47…” Mar 13, 12:49
- drowningpuppies on Bummer: Trump Admin Considering Closing Climate Doom Observatory In Hawaii: “Yeah sure. Whatever. Jeffery Keene of St. Louis says: This is now my new handle. Bwaha! Lolgfy! MAGA47 Motherfucker” Mar 13, 12:44
- Elwood P Dowd on If All Yous See…: “Our very own flatulist from Florida has ordered the US military to draft ‘options for the Panama Canal’. This is…” Mar 13, 11:41