Nothing like a drunken Moose
A moose that became inebriated after binging on fermented fallen apples in northern Sweden drowned when it fell through the ice of a frozen inlet, a Swedish tabloid has reported.
"The moose appears to have eaten too many fermented apples and become confused out on the ice," Luleaa police spokesman Erik Kummu told Aftonbladet on Thursday.
George Bush blamed, cBS planning on running an expose'.
Cops stop crime before it happens!
An increase in the number of police on the streets after the July 7 terror attacks reduced the crime rate "significantly", experts say.
Gee, ya think?
Zombies all the rage in Minneapolis, want their Rights
A group of zombies have risen up to claim the city of Minneapolis and Hennepin County violated their free rights and discriminated against them.
The six adults and one juvenile who were arrested while impersonating the undead in July filed their lawsuit Thursday.
Claim George Bush made them that way.