Funny stuff from the Council on American-Terrorist Relations (original article here. Read the comments)
While Muslim faithful are worshiping Allah, sounds of liquored up Texans chasing greased pigs may soon be heard outside the mosque.
"Comin' soon weekly Friday night pig racin'" reads the sign in the Houston suburb of Katy. It goes on to promote a greased pig-catching contest, the opportunity to purchase a slow pig to save it's life and–of all things–a pork cook-off. Bring your own bottle, the sign also says and boasts the availability of "clean port-o-pots."
It sounds like a rowdy Friday night outing, Texas style.
But the planned pig races are wallowing in controversy. A Muslim group having just purchased adjacent property to build a mosque is not amused by the new sign and upcoming swine activities as neighbors–including parishioners at a nearby church my mother pastors–are left wondering what's going to happen to the neighborhood.
Too bad for the Muzzies that this is America, with all those, you know, freedom things.
Of course, if the roles were reversed the Muzzies would respond by firebombing the church, or something similar.
Linked to: Basil's Blog, third world county, Blue Star Chronicles, Diane's Stuff, The Conservative Cat, Persuing Holiness, Perri Nelson's Website

What really irks me about this is that the pig farm has been there for decades. The muslim group that wants to build a mosque on the adjacent property just bought that property a little while ago.
Within a few weeks of buying it they asked the pig farmer to move. It seems to me that they should have chosen a different site if they didn’t want a pig farmer for a neighbor.
Of course, the muslim group will ask CAIR to demand any public official who backs the pig farm to resign since they (the public officials) hold bigotted anti-islamic views. CAIR may even try to get the ACLU involve claiming civil rights violations.
I sincerely hope more people, especially public officials, stand up to CAIR and tell them off like Junior Rodriguez did to the ACLU in St. Benard Parish, Louisiana.
Also of note in this case is that the neighborhood attempted to buy that land from the muzzies before they have built a single thing on that land. The muzzies, of course, refused.
Texans Chasing Greased Pigs Disturb Muslim Worship…
I guess there are some muslims in Texas who aren’t too happy about living in the land of Cowboys!
It seems a group of muslims bought some land in Texas recently. They plan to build a mosque there. Meanwhile, they have tried to get the neighboring…
That is seriously funny!!! lololol
[…] The Pirate’s Cove who also has a Christmas wish for our pork fearing would-be neighbors. […]
I think we should have these all over the country. Can be sure there won’t be any Muzzie terrorists nearby ;)
[…] Pirate’s Cove has this linked: While Muslim faithful are worshiping Allah, sounds of liquored up Texans chasing greased pigs may soon be heard outside the mosque. […]
I saw this story post..will trackback to ya!
[…] In closing out this point, I’d say that clearly, there are those that agree with my interlocutor. Hat tip, Basil. Maybe I’m still too European to get sufficiently excercised, but I’d argue that I’m too much the Green Mountain Boy type to look for salvation by others in my guild (lawyers). I still trust border guards and the guys runnign Guantanamo more than I do attorneys arguing procedure. There are also those generally, if not always elegantly or sensitively, on my side, twice even, in these sorts of arguments, also courtesy of Basil, as above.  […]