Reading an article in the San Fran Chronicle, the Democrats have stated that they will attach quite a few conditions to the next Iraq spending request, possibly in the $100 billion range, which President Bush may find "unpalatable, perhaps even unacceptable." Not that we didn't see that coming. Or this
But some of the most outspoken anti-war voices in the House said they want to go much further and use the supplemental spending bill — the special bill passed by Congress to pay for the expense of the war — to force Bush to bring home the 140,000 U.S. military personnel in Iraq.
We know that that is their primary goal: cut and run.
Here comes the promise
Democrats want to draw a distinction between opposing the war and supporting the U.S. troops. Asked if Democrats would seek to end the war by voting against the new money, Pelosi answered, "Absolutely not … Democrats will be there to support the troops."
So, the presumptive Democratic House Speaker has said, specifically, that Democrats will not vote to cut off the funding. Mark that one down.
But how will she control them?
But there are divisions among the Democrats. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, passed out a seven-page paper to his colleagues calling on them to vote against future funds for Iraq as a way to end the war. "The American people will have trouble understanding any of us who say we oppose the war and simultaneously vote to fund it," he said.
Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Oakland, who has voted against past war appropriations bills, said she will vote against the next one.
"The voters gave us our marching orders last month. They want this war to end," she said.
And Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Petaluma, who also has been in the small minority to vote against war funds, said the House should call for withdrawal and tell Bush that it will not approve any further war supplemental spending bills.
You know that the Nutroots and other "progressive" groups will be sending petitions and demonstrating to get their Defeatocratic Congress Critters to vote against any new spending Bill for the Iraq operations. Will Nancy be able to keep her promise?

I guess the dimmi’s are taking Peeeloshi’s great advisor George McGovern’s advice. Pull out of Iraq, let millions be slaughtered. The genocide will not be our fault. And I thought Dimmy Carter was the most stupid dimmi ever, now he’s tied with McGovern and several million liberal dimmi’s. Please, all of you dimmi’s, drink your koolaide at the same time. We handled the Jim Jones idiots, we can dispose of your stinking bodies to.
Have to disagree on one point. It will be Bush’s fault, through twisted liberal logic, or so they will say.