Happy start of the work week! It's a good one, with the Giants finally getting their swerve on with a win, and the Cowboys getting crushed. So, how about a beer fantasy?
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Apparently, libs have been imbiding quite a bit. Princess Diana being bugged by the CIA is not exactly news, having come out a few days ago, but the responses of some lefties is well worth a look over at the Hufftard Post. To start with, the brief excerpt makes no mention that this occured back in 1997. Remind me: who was President?
- Sooooo, these details coming out now about the American SS tapping the Princess' phone, coming just a week after the NSA had to admit one of it's lab employees was caught tapping a rock stars phone and downloading all his pictures, phone memory and call lists….
This is the shit that happens when you let spy agencies free reign to surveil anyone, anywhere, without any reason. ;)
When are we gonna get some oversight into what they do??
When are we gonna be allowed to start watching the watchers??
- I don't understand, why are we bugging her calls over in Europe? Is she a terrorist?
If British Royalty isn't free of the instrusive phone tapping of the US Government, then what makes people think WE ARE over here, where the US has much more authority?
- Hey MISTERWHITE, gerbil brain, Clinton is no longer in office, and this is coming out just now. Al Qaeda is our own creation from when we funded afghanistan to fight the Soviets. Even so, eavesdropping on someone abroad, especialy someone important is not the same as listening in on all the American Citizens without a warrant. There is a a difference, one is called totalitarianism, the other is just spying on a head of state.
- Why do I think Diana died? Because she stopped Landmines. And after her death, the Rumsfeld,BushCrimeSyndicate,Cheney PNAC warriors got their landmines back, by the millions.
There are plenty more fantasy land comments, as well. I don't think there is any need to replay what the lefties call the "domestic survellience program" is actually about, do I?
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The Knucklehead of the Day award…
Today’s winner is Rabbi Elazar Bogomilsky….
The Fruits of Civic Illiteracy…
Earlier today, I referred to a recent survey that indicates that our colleges and universities (let alone our high schools) are turning out potential voters who are woefully illiterate in basic literacy in fundamental civics. Here are a few of the frui…
The Knuckleheads of the Day award Part Two…
I wasn’t planning to give two awards today, but this one is too good to pass on.
Our second winners today are The Miami Herald newspaper and their reporter Jennifer Mooney Piedra….
Where’s my check?…
From today’s Sun-Sentinel-
Spending in the contentious Ron Klein-Clay Shaw congressional contest this year reached stratospheric levels by Election Day. The total, which exceeds $13.5 million, works out to $63.51 for every vote cast in the Brow …..
Moonbat Sheehan at it again…
The purported “peace mother” is a trespasser nowadays.
How fitting that she is among four convicted of tresspassing. The sicko was attempting to deliver an Iraq anti-war petition to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations and refused to leave….
Feeding the world causes global warming!…
Excuse me, could someone explain to me how a basic chemical can cause acid rain? If this is actually in the report, it’s no wonder these alarmists can’t be reasoned with. They don’t understand basic chemistry, let alone science….
Podcast #162: The Nativity Story Review…
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Please Send Money…
Dear good person from North America,
I’m an honest, hard-working Nigerian King, just waiting for my bank to release millions of dollars to me to help my family and the good people of the planet……
Rabbi shocked at results of Christmas Tree lawsuit…
Maybe this is exactly the result he wanted and he’s surprised at the amount of ill will it has generated? Rabbi Bogomilsky is responsible for this mess because he’s the one that threatened the Port of Seattle with the lawsuit….
For once they are not talking about our President…
Ahmadinejad was giving a speech to students at the Amir Kabir University, the scene of a protest the day before by hundreds of students to denounce a crackdown on a reformist-led university association….
[…] Pirate’s Cove understands Libs Really Do Live In A Fantasy World (Linkfest)! […]
Scarlett Johansson and Jean Harlow…
The Shelf – profile and review: forbidden hollywood has an excellent review of a DVD set called Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 1 (Waterloo Bridge 1931 / Baby Face / Red-Headed Woman), Excerpt: What makes it Forbidden? Certainly with themes like m…
The Iraq Study Group Report Is a Misleading Fantas…
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VictoriaÂ’s Secret and C-BS…
VictoriaÂ’s Secret Fashion Show 2006 – this past Dec. 5th, was once again hosted on CBS . They advertised the show saying, “Watch the Fashion Show and shop the worldÂ’s sexiest lingerie.” VictoriaÂ’s Secret has catalogs, stores in malls, not to ment…
[…] Trackposted to Wake Up America, Perri Nelson’s Website, Permanent Floating Ping Festival, third world county, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Bullwinkle Blog, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. […]
[…] Trackposted to Wake Up America, Perri Nelson’s Website, Permanent Floating Ping Festival, third world county, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Bullwinkle Blog, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. […]
BREAKING NEWS: Suicide car bomber kills 45 in Bagh…
A suicide bomber killed 45 people and wounded scores in central Baghdad on today after luring a crowd of poor day laborers to his vehicle with promises of work, according to the Interior Ministry….
Rush Limbaugh and the Cat Thing…
The folks at Carry On America told me I should look at this article about Rush Limbaugh and his cat. It turns out Rush made a joke about how his cat helped him to understand women. Here is how Rush……
The Knuckleheads of the Day award…
Today’s winners are Pete and Rose Marie Costello….
Ideology vs Science…
Much criticism has been made about people of faith standing in the way of science when it comes to embryonic stem cell (ESC) research. The claim being that, if allowed, religious ideology will halt the progress of science and all the benefits we can …..
[…] Trackposted to Wake Up America, Rightwing Guy, Perri Nelson’s Website, Is It Just Me?, Permanent Floating Ping Festival, third world county, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Bullwinkle Blog, Right Wing Nation, bRight & Early, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. […]
Open Season…
From today’s Miami Herald-
KEY WEST – The U.S. Coast Guard, one of the key lines of defense in the Florida Straits on homeland security, drug smuggling and migrant interdictions, took eight of its 10 Key West-based patrol cutters out of action i …..
[…] The Random Yak, third world county, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Bullwinkle Blog, Pursuing Holiness, and bRight & Early, thanks to Linkfest Haven […]