Happy Friday to all! It's that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it!
Yes, talking to terrorist regimes is apparently all the rage with the SMs. First, we had Senator Ben Nelson (SM-Fla) (which rated 5 stories on Yahoo News)
Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Fla., emerged from a meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus on Wednesday, saying Assad was willing to help control the Iraq-Syrian border. Nelson said he viewed Assad's remarks as "a crack in the door for discussions to continue. I approach this with realism, not optimism."
And now, Sen Gone, woops, that's John Edwards, I mean Sen. John Kerry (SM-Mass)
U.S. Senator John Kerry, the Democratic candidate for the presidency in 2004, said on Thursday the U.S. administration should talk to Syria and Iran.
Kerry also told reporters in Cairo he believed U.S. policy in the Middle East was in trouble, partly because the United States had
failed to listen to people in the regiontalk to terrorist regimes.
Of course, remember, Kerry has a history of talking to enemy regimes during the turbulant 70's. And even former Presidential failure, Jimmy Carter (an embarrassment to all Southerners) is chiming in.
Great ideas, guys. Nothing like talking to the folks that want to destroy us and control, at a minimum, the Middle East.
The White House said Thursday that trips to Syria by U.S. lawmakers are a public relations victory for a government that is thwarting democratic reform in the Middle East.
I'd say so, but, these are Democrats, who enjoy thwarting the United States.
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Weekend OTB & Linkfest For Dec. 15-17, 2006…
Calling PETA Turkish Airline Workers Sacrifice Camel At Airport: Workers at Turkish Airlines celebrated a job well done by sacrificing a camel at Istanbul airport and their boss has now been suspended.The national flag-carrier said on Wednesday m…
2006 Warmest Year Since Clinton Presidency…
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Arrest, prosecution and firing squad would be the correct punishment for the traitors. Starting with Nelson. After the action of people in Miami this week Nelson is a fair representative of Fl. The entire state and in particular Miami is now a third world country with no regard for the rights of Americans.
Crazy Frog Christmas…
Here’s Crazy Frog’s latest adventure – a Christmas adventure!
Also, check our Larry the Cable Guy’s Christmas carols on the Bullwinkle Blog!
Linked to Pirate’s Cove and The World According To Carl!
Tags: Funny, Youtube, vide…
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[…] I give a big welcome to all the readers from The Bullwinkle Blog, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants Of Samantha Burns, Perri Nelson’s Website, The HILL Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove. […]
25 Christmas CD’s in 25 Days – Day 15…
(1996 Trefoil/RHC Publishing)
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[…] Shipping out with Pirates Cove […]
CBS’s War on Christmas…
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The libs would never allow it, and the national GOP doesn’t have the balls, Scrapiron.
Democrat’s 800-lb. Gorilla…
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The Knucklehead of the Day award…
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Gold Star Mom’s Request Regarding John Kerry’s Middle East Trip…
Remember THIS?
John Kerry has a long traitorous history of meeting with America’s enemies and bad-mouthing the U.S. in the process. The most recent example is Kerry’s current trip to the middle east. He plans on meeting with American troops statio…
25 Christmas CD’s in 25 Days – Day 16…
(2000 Miss Butch Records And Tapes/Mardi Gras Records, Inc.)
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Never Forget…
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Senator Johnson still critical…
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The Knucklehead of the Day award…
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Thanks Tank…
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