Things you never wanted to really know but are going to anyway
- The U.S. has 78 people registered under S. Claus and one under Kriss Kringle
- December is the most popular month for nose jobs.
- Weight of Santa's sleigh loaded with one Beanie Baby for every kid on earth: 333,333 tons.
- Number of reindeers required to pull a 333,333-ton sleigh: 214,206 plus Rudolph.
- Average wage of a mall Santa: $11 an hour. With real beard: $20.
- To deliver all his gifts in one night, Santa would have to make 822.6 visits per second (at 3,000 times the speed of sound).
- At that speed, Santa and his reindeers would instantaneously burst into flames in Earth's atmosphere just like meteors.
I am thankful that Sitemeter got its shat together. Remember that crash a few weeks ago? Well, seems that there was an issue with the database on many servers. Since they fixed it, my traffic has doubled or more. Had it been correct over the past 8-12 months, I would probably have at least another 60,000 hits, minimum.
Also, thanks that one of my favorite sources, U.S. Newswire, is back on-line after merging with PR Newswire, and was out for a few days. Looks like they decided to keep the stuff on seperate pages, thankfully.

The United Nations Hypocrisy…
They decry us, they call us names, and they burn our flag and hold us in contempt all over the world, but when troubles arise and they know they do not have the capability to handle it themselves who is it that they turn to? The Unites States of Ame…..