We are now starting to see the scope of the Democrats seriousness regarding ant-terror operations and protecting the United States
Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi yesterday said intelligence budgets would get an extra layer of congressional oversight, giving Democrats opportunity to curb the scope of some of President Bush's programs.
Mrs. Pelosi said Democrats will create a select intelligence oversight panel that will function within the House Appropriations Committee.
The panel will be responsible for crafting the classified portion of the Defense Department's budget and will allow the lawmakers who authorize spy programs to have an additional role in funding them.
The California Democrat promised that the panel will hold hearings on the president's intelligence budget, which includes funding for the CIA and National Security Agency.
So, one more layer designed to slow down the process. Wonderful. Furthermore, their hinderance will also cause issues with funding. I seriously doubt that they will use this panel to give their blessing.
"I know it will make the American people safer," Mrs. Pelosi said.
Huh? Democrats are notoriously open mouthed when it comes to national intelligence, leaking like a toilet with a bad stopper. Nancy's call for "more transparency" will just allow Democrats and America's enemies, sometimes one and the same, to see what we are doing.
Expect even more leaks to papers such as the NY Times, undermining the intelligence community and their operations.