Happy Friday to all! It's that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it!
Originally, Surrendy wanted to discuss the Holidays, how to be inclusive of all race's, creeds, and religions, but, as I informed him, his liberal disciples have pretty much avoided any mention of the holidays so far. You won't find many mentions of Christmas throughout most of the Left-O-Sphere, from the Daily Kos to Democrats.org to the DU to (never)MoveOn. Heck, 20 minutes of tuning in to CNN gave me no clue that Christmas is only a few days away.
So, he decided to stay with the standard Friday theme, and discuss another Democrat that he truly loves
Sens. John Kerry and Christopher Dodd met with Syrian President Bashar Assad on Wednesday and discussed the need for Damascus to cooperate with efforts to maintain the unity and stability of war-ravaged Iraq, state media reported.
"I feel quite confident in saying this was a conversation worth having and that the (Bush) administration ought to pursue it," Kerry said in a telephone interview with the Associated Press from Jerusalem where he traveled after the meeting with Assad. "I feel very strongly about that. . . It's worth following up on a number of avenues."
The Democratic senators, both prospective 2008 presidential candidates, and Assad "reviewed the situation in Iraq and stressed the importance of supporting the current political process to arrive at setting a timetable for the withdrawal of foreign troops," SANA said.
John Kerry at his best, laying out the plans for surrender to the leader of a terrorist state, which, besides their meddling in Iraq, is in the process of undermining the legitimate government of Lebenon.
Most Dems have given up on Kerry at this point, however, this bit of surrender monkeyness may get him back in their good graces. And, if he manages to win the Dem primaries, he will complain about being swift boated when it is brought up about his going to Syria.
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Christmas Weekend OTB & Linkfest for Dec. 22-25, 2006…
Have A Merry And Blessed Christmas Leave your posts here and trackback. This is a Weekend OTB & Linkfest for December 22-25, 2006. Trackback URL: http://stuckon-stupid.com/sos-mt/mt-tb.fcgi/273Permalink: http://stuckon-stupi…
Merry Christmas open post til Tuesday the Dec. 26…
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Six Weird Things About Me…
Courtesy of the rightwingprof I have been tagged. The rules are simple: List 6 weird things about oneself then find 6 poor shlubs to tag. When you tag someone you need to leave a comment that says “you’ve been tagged!” in their comment section, poin…
The IRA vs. Hezbollah/Hamas…
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A Soldier’s Silent Night…
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Christmas 2006 [Open] Must-Read List…
Victor Davis Hanson, Ralph Peters, Steve Kornacki, Amir Taheri, Jed Babbin, Rich Lowry, Max Boot, John Stossel, Charles Krauthammer, John Podhoretz, Stephen Schwartz, Ben Stein, Tom Bevan, Hugh Hewitt, John O’Sullivan, Michael Barone, Daniel Twining,….
From AFP; Laurence Benhamou: The curtain has been pulled on a deceptive new advertising tactic in which companies camouflage ads as product praise in online postings masquerading as independent blogs. Several companies have been exposed for launching f…
“The Essential Pigeon” Reading List…
UPDATED 28 October 2006 (Reposted 1 Oct 06; originally posted 4 Mar 06)—————————————————————————————————————————————————- For my longest die-hard fans and…
Democrats better not drop the soap……
As Al Queda thinks the Democrat party is their beotch….
IRA vs. Hezbollah/Hamas…
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The Knucklehead of the Day award…
Today’s winner is Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen….
Christmas Babes…
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25 Christmas CD’s in 25 Days – Day 23…
(1999 Warner Bros. Records, Inc.)
Christmas is not only a celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, but it’s also a time of fun. This album definitely adds to the fun of the holiday. Bill Engvall’s take on different aspects of…
25 Christmas CD’s in 25 Days – Day 22…
(2002 Curb Records, Inc.)
From beginning to (almost the) end, this is a great Christmas album. The album starts off strong with the title cut “The Reason For The Season” which is an original sentimental Christmas ballad that will tug at the hearts…
2006: The Year Of The Religion Of Perpetual Outrage…
Michelle Malkin has an excellent year-in-review of Islamofascism and how it has been expressed through violence, intimidation, coercion and other evil ways. The small percentage of Muslims behaving in this wicked way have unfairly put orthodox beli…
Nothing like selling the rope to your future hangm…
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The Knucklehead of the Year award- MSM…
The winner is……………
The Knucklehead of the Year award- MSM…
The winner is……………
A Christmas Poem from Barb Gigamaster…
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except for the louse. The jerk was just sitting in front of the telly, burning his eyeballs to green-colored jelly. He wasted his dough on……
The Coronation of Nancy Pelosi…
Nancy Pelosi is planning a four-day extravaganza hailing her ascension to the position of House Speaker on January 4, 2007.
The festivities are on a scale usually associated with presidential inaugurations Â…. or perhaps coronations. It should be q….
[…] Trackposted to Wake Up America, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Don Surber, basil’s blog, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, Jo’s Cafe, , Rightwing Guy, 123 Beta, The HILL Chronicles, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, The Right Nation, Renaissance Blogger, The Pink Flamingo, and bRight & Early, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. […]
The Knucklehead of the Day award…
Today’s winner is Joseph L. Riley Anesthesia Associates….
Holidays and Calories Open Trackback Weekend…
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful….
The Knucklehead of the Year award- Generic…
The winner is…………
Forgiveness During The Holidays…
Many people – and I have sometimes been counted among them – really dislike the holidays because they have pent up anger at some of the relatives they’re going to be forced to be with. I have an aunt who likes to say, “Let’s not talk…
Merry Christmas!…
I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, or at the very least happy holidays. My family and I are going to have a quiet celebration at home….
Merry Christmas!…
O Holy night, the stars are brightly shining….
The blog meme for fun and profit…
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Initiated as a mechanism by which bloggers can generate traffic and buzz, they’ve become viral and have garned different names su…
Christmas around the world…
I have gathered some of the most beautiful pictures of Christmas around the world. My favorites are from Russia – which is a beautiful country and not far from my fatherÂ’s native Lithuania….
Iran Proves Holocaust just a Hoax…
Jews will immediately recognize these to be ordinary Chanuka Bears. When Jews are not being apes and pigs and need to hibernate for a long time they turn into these lovable creatures. These Bears are in fact the answer to a question the BBC recently …..
This is no time to go wobbly…
With the Iraq Surrender Group saying we should negotiate with Iran to stabilize Iraq, and Iran claiming to be a nuclear state, the following news item should not be ignored or pushed under the rug….
Part I: Early History of Terrorism…
Due to the insidious nature of terrorism – I am taking you on a journey of a series of indept studies into the orgins of terrorism and its effect over the centuries on todayÂ’s present state of terrorism as we know it and have sadly experienced it….
Most of the ideas stemming from those involved with peace movements have been absurd. These individuals do not realize that their ideologies are unrealistic in a world where evil exist. They deny the realities of mankind in that when someone is willi…