Roaming through the BBC, I found a humorous article on global warming, er, climate change, which is all freaked out about this
The steady rise in atmospheric levels of the greenhouse gases blamed for climate change shows no signs of abating, a UN agency has announced.
The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide rose by about half a percent in 2005, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said.
The WMO said concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) were measured at 379.1 parts per million (ppm), up 0.53% from 377.1 ppm in 2004.
Parts Per Million. Funny stuff. All the CO2 in the atmosphere is equivilent to one inch of a football field. So, goodness, we need good old Kyoto, which most signatory nations are not following, to help lower that down. Did you know that, if the US and Russia signed Kyoto and abided by it, the worldwide temperatures would be down by .04 degrees Celsius by 2100? For that, we are supposed to strangle our economy, and those of third world countries?
Tips for Walking In The Mall During The Holiday Season
- Remember, there are other people in the mall. You are not alone!
- Do not stop to talk to other people in the middle of the walkways, blocking traffic
- Come to think of it, do not stop in the walkways, period. Move out of the way
- Do not take up a large portion of the walkways, either solo or in group
- Speed it up. If a turtle can beat you, you are going too slow
- Just like with driving, move to the right so that faster walkers can pass
- Do not bring your double wide stroller in during this time of year
- Do not keep your child on a leash. Pick them up, or get a stroller
- Do not swing your bags
- Finally, do not meander around in the walkways, blocking off people

I love the image!!! I’ll show it to my hubby later. But the global warming thing? I do believe it’s time to start focusing on bovine flatulence. They are polluting our atmosphere and it’s time someone did something about it.
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