We have seen those on the Left, including in the media, fawn over Saddam and sympathize with his execution over the last few days, forgetting what a monster he actually was. Now, the AP provides a sympathetic piece on Sunnis, apparently forgetting that it is the Sunnis who have been causing most of the problems in Iraq, and that Al Qaeda is Sunni
Sunnis Muslims, angered by the execution of Saddam Hussein and the way his hanging was carried out, took to the streets in mainly peaceful demonstrations in Sunni enclaves across the country.
A crowd of Sunni mourners in Samarra marched to a bomb-damaged Shiite shrine Monday and were allowed by guards and police to enter the holy place carrying a mock coffin and photos of the former dictator.
A broken clock is correct twice a day, and Sunnis are peaceful now and then. The story does mention that it was Sunnis who damaged the mosque.
Hundreds of demonstrators on Monday mourned Saddam in a Sunni neighborhood in northern Baghdad. Some praised the Baath Party, the outlawed nationalist group that under Saddam cemented Sunni Arab dominance of Iraq.
Mourners at a mosque in Saddam's hometown of Tikrit slaughtered sheep as a sacrifice. The mosque's walls were lined with condolence cards from tribes in southern Iraq and Jordan who were unable to travel to the memorial.
Sunnis were not only outraged by Saddam's hurried execution, just four days after an appeals court upheld his conviction and sentence. Many were also incensed by the unruly scene in the execution chamber, captured on video, in which Saddam was taunted with chants of "Muqtada, Muqtada, Muqtada."
Fawning. The AP makes it seem as if Ghandi had been executed, not a brutal, murderous, meglomaniac.
Mixed in were the random mentions of US troop deaths, which have little to do with the story, just typical MSM hysteria.
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Tuesday OTP/Why it is difficult to talk sensibly to (most) contemporary Americans…
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SaddamÂ’s last words…
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The Knucklehead of the Day award…
Today’s winner is Democratic Congressman John Conyers….
New Year Traffic Jam…
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The Holy Family: Image of the Love of God…
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Iran Claims Hitler was Jewish…
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TerrorisT PerfumE…
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SaY CheesE…
Fast foods. hamburgers, pizza, french fries.
Is anyone not guilty of indulging…….
Eye Tests for Men…
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GOP Pres. Candidate John Cox Reacts to Saddam Huss…
“The death of Saddam Hussein today marks a turning point in Iraq’s history, and in the history of the world….
Mike Nifong’s fourth victim?…
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Rightwing guy—Please don’t smear my state! Edwards is from North Carolina!
Pardon Me, But Would You Happen To Have Any Pickled Pigs Lips?…
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Question Of The Day: Where’s Obama?…
Apparently a CNN font operator wasn’t paying attention.
UPDATE: I checked out some liberal blogs, including a couple of the “big names” and am amused by the moonbattery over this. A literal plethora of leftist extremism at its finest ranging …
Un-freakin’-believable! The BEST College Football Game EVER!…
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1) San Diego County/Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl (San Diego, CA)
TCU vs. Northern Illinois
2) Pioneer PureVision Las Vegas Bowl (Las Vegas, NV)
Brigham You…
My Predictions for 2006…
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File Under: Dumb Ideas…
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The Knucklehead of the Day award…
Today’s winner is Scott Swafford….
And Here I thought 2007 Would Be Different…
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Robertson said God told him during a recent prayer retreat that major cities and possibly millions of people will be affected by the attack…
An “Honest” Terrorist Writes: “No Muslim Can Pledg…
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Wesley Autrey – hero…
We’re lucky if we only have to contemplate how we would react in a life threatening situation, rather than actually find out if we’re as brave as we would like to think….
[…] Trackposted to Rightwing Guy, Perri Nelson’s Website, Outside the Beltway, Faultline USA, Don Surber, Pirate’s Cove, The Bullwinkle Blog, and Dumb Ox News, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. […]