I wonder how much airplay this story will get in the Old Media?
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3, 2007 – The Iraqi government will have command-and-control of all of its ground forces by the end of 2007, a senior U.S. military officer based in Baghdad predicted today.
The year 2007 “is truly the year of transition and adaptation” for Iraq, Army Maj. Gen. William B. Caldwell IV, Multinational Force Iraq spokesman, told reporters at a news conference in Baghdad.
All Iraqi army divisions will be under Iraqi Ground Forces Command by summertime, Caldwell said. And, all Iraqi provinces, he said, will go back to Iraqi provincial control by the fall.
“So that by the end of the year 2007, a significant year of transition, the multinational force and the U.S. mission here in Iraq will be truly in support of the efforts of the government of Iraq and not commanding and controlling those things, but working as a support mechanism,” Caldwell said.
So, at that time, our forces will be able to start leaving, with the job accomplished, rather then prematurely pulled out and sent to Okinawa or something.
So, at that time, our forces will be able to start leaving, with the job accomplished, rather then prematurely pulled out and sent to Okinawa or something.
Trackposted to Rightwing Guy, Wake Up America, Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson's Website, Don Surber, stikNstein… has no mercy, Blue Star Chronicles, Renaissance Blogger, Stuck On Stupid, Dumb Ox News, Conservative Cat, High Desert Wanderer, Pursuing Holiness, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.