From the official blogburst
Judge Roy Moore makes a New Years Resolution that I’m definitely on board with.
Each year the American Civil Liberties Union and other liberal organizations continue their efforts to destroy traditional values that we once assumed were self-evident and beyond question. And each year we sit quietly by doing nothing to stop their relentless assault on our culture and our religious heritage. As our resolution for the New Year, let us join together to defeat the ACLU’s anti-Christian agenda and restore our civil and religious freedom.
Most definitely the ACLU’s attack on religious freedom is one of many good reasons we should resolve to join together and fight back. We have a whole list of other good reasons. The damage the ACLU has done to our National Security, the War on Terror, and our National Soverignty are at the top of my personal list.
There are many reasons to stop the ACLU’s agenda, but what people need to know is how. Everyone needs to get involved. There is a lot that can be done.
One thing to do is to get active. Email, write, or call your elected officials and let them know that National Security is of primary concern. This time last year the ACLU were running full page ad propaganda war against the NSA and the Patriot Act. Even though the Democrats made a show of not clapping for the Patriot Act, in the end they lost that battle. They are still beating the dead horse over the NSA program.
Another thing is to elect people who will appoint Constitutionalist judges. We’ve made progress in this area over the past year. Last year around this time the ACLU announced their official opposition to the confirmation of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. Many of the ACLU’s biggest fans in the Senate fought hard to paint him as a woman hater and bigot, to the point of bringing his wife to tears, but in the end they all lost that battle.
When it comes to religious freedom, the ACLU is America’s number one censor. They have compared Christians to terrorists, and even called for jailing people over prayer. The most outrageous thing about this is that when these cases their attorney’s fees are paid for by the taxpayer. We have made progress against this in the past year. Currently there is legislation to put a stop to this and we got it passed in the House of Representatives. The bill is still pending before the Senate, and just because we lost the majority is no reason for us to let up.
Support groups that are fighting the ACLU. There are many out there including the Alliance Defense Fund, ACLJ, Liberty Council, and Thomas More Law Center. Join one of them, donate to them, and tell others about them.
Educate the public about the ACLU’s agenda. This last one is the New Year’s resolution we are making…to continue our fight against the ACLU by educating the public. Join us and over 200 other blogs in helping to expose the ACLU’s agenda to the people.
This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already on-board.

[…] This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already on-board. Hillbilly White Trash linked with Stop The ACLU Blogburst Pirate’s Cove linked with Stop The ACLU Blogburst: New Years Resolution Lobo’s Links linked with A New Year Resolution at Stop the ACLU Jo’s Cafe linked with Stop the ACLU in 2007 Cao’s Blog linked with Stop the ACLU Blogburst The Amboy Times linked with Stop The ACLU Blogburst Conservative Thinking linked with A Good New Year’s Resolution The Uncooperative Blogger linked with A New Year To Fight The Wide Awakes linked with STACLU’s New Year Resolution XtremeRightWing linked with Make This A Year The ACLU Won’t Forget Bookmark to: […]