Let me get this straight; they were sworn in officially as the Majority Party on January 4th, just 2 short days ago, and they have already broken promises to work in a bipartisan manner and not raise taxes, and now, this (from the Washington Times, h/t KGrendition)
House Democrats campaigned on a promise to implement the recommendations of the September 11 commission, but now say they will not enact all of them.
The recommendation to place all intelligence agencies under the Defense Department "is not on the table," said Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer, Maryland Democrat.
Another recommendation unlikely to be fully implemented is tasking one House committee with the responsibility of overseeing both intelligence operations and funding. However, Mr. Hoyer said, the plan to create a new subcommittee comprising members from the appropriations and intelligence committees will help.
"The 9/11 commission wanted a single authorizing body for intelligence, and I think the substance or the spirit of the recommendations will be achieved," he said.
It is not that I am necessarily agreeing with all the Commission recomendations, I will admit I just do not have the relevant information, background, or experience to make a proper decision. I am also not necessarily disagreeing with what the Dems plan to do, for the same reason. However, the Democrats made a promise to implement ALL of the 9/11 Commission recomendations, and now they have broken that promise. Which is not unsurprising, considering that they have previously stated that they will not keep that promise.
Some ask, did they really mean "all"? See for yourself
We want to close the remaining gaps in our security by enacting the 9/11 Commission recommendations.
For those that understand the English language, that doesn't mean "some" or "a few" or "a smattering." It mean all the recommendations.
What other promises will they break? They have said they will not defund the Iraq war. Anyone want to bet on how soon that gets broken?