Happy Sunday. The penguins are back! Why? How about that wacky ending to the Seahawks-Cowgirls game? Shame the way that turned out (snicker). Love those camera shots of T.O., the most hated man in the NFL, having hissy fits on the sideline. Hey, T.O., try not dropping the damn ball. Hot Air has the video.
- Today is “I’m not going to take it anymore day.” I’m not kidding, and don’t you dare question me!
- The Devils kicked it up against the streaking Senators, 3-2.
- Another unhinged liberal, walking into a church and setting a Nativity scene on fire.
- C.A. Marks asks “What is wrong with people nowadays?!”
- the Bullwinkle Blog has an oldy, but goody
- Cao has a great car sign
- Captain Ed highlights one of favorite themes, the radical left’s hatred of Hillary
- Wuzzadem answers mail while intoxicated
- Still Stacy crashed her computer. Now would probably not be a good time for a blonde joke :)
- The Gun Toting Liberal takes on the Duke Lacrosse Case. Please read.
- Ogre is outraged, as well he should be
Finally, Day 2 of Democratic control of the House. Boy, there was some important legislation introducedÂ

Last Laughs…
The best collection of the best collections anywhere!
The Pirate’s Cove has a Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup!
Dr. Sanity has The Carnival of the Insanities!
Rightlinx shares some Laugh Links!
The Conservative Cat put up some Funny Stuff!
HA Ha ha . . .
Kyle Kosier gives the officials the bird…
Then there was quite a bit of sloppy football, including a penalty on first down for the Cowboys where Kyle Kosier threw hands to the face, costing the Cowboys 10 yards.
The officials didn’t notice, but Kyle then gave them the bird….
[…] ***** Pirate’s Cove has linked to this post with Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup Technorati Tags:Â Duke Lacrosse Case, Jesse Jackson, justice, Michael Nifong, Political Correctness, Scottsboro Boys […]