If McCain wants, desperately, to be President, why does he keep doing all those wacky things that annoy Conservatives, such as this
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Six U.S. senators, including potential 2008 presidential contenders from both major parties, unveiled legislation on Friday that would force power plants and industry to curb heat-trapping greenhouse gases, seeking to cut emissions to one-third of 2000 levels by 2050.
Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican and possible 2008 presidential contender, introduced a new version of the Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act, which he has pursued since 2003 with Sen. Joe Lieberman, Connecticut independent.
Their "cap-and-trade" plan would place a ceiling on emissions of six kinds of greenhouse gases. It would allow emitters from four sectors — electric utilities, transportation, general industry and commercial — to either reduce emissions outright or buy tradable permits to comply with the rules.
Meanwhile, the economy can be stifled for virtually no change to the US or global climate, since there is little we can do about the natural processes of either the Sun or the Earth. But, hey, anything to score points with the environmental wackos.
Now, if they were doing this to decrease airborne pollution, I would be very much behind the plan. But, of course, it is really a patronization of the Global Warming as Caused By Mankind adherents. You know, the ones that still drive cars, take plane trips, etc.
I wonder what kind of personal vehicle Barbara drives. Does she fly cross country on airplanes? Does she have a big car to take her to and from the Senate?
In the Senate, other lawmakers are pursuing similar climate change proposals. Sen. Barbara Boxer, California Democrat and incoming chairman of the environment panel, has called for a hearing on climate change on January 30.
Love those hearings. Long on blame, short on solution.

With a robust economy and 4.5% unemployment nationally, the Dems with the help of the RINOs are seeking to thwart prosperity in order to garner more power. And they’re using junk science to do it.
Here in NC, we’ll see the same thing occurring with our own lawmakers. However, guys such as Sen. Fred Smith believe that private property rights and economic issues must be weighed against the global warming hysteria.