While I am dealing with Al Reuters in the previous post, take a look at this (via Little Green Footballs)
MORONI, Jan 10 (Reuters) – Relatives of fugitive al Qaeda suspect Fazul Abdullah Mohammed said on Wednesday they were keeping night vigils after the Comorian was targeted in a U.S. air strike in Somalia, where Washington believes he is hiding.
Pentagon officials confirmed one air strike in southern Somalia on Monday — the first overt U.S. military action in the country since a disastrous humanitarian mission ended in 1994. A U.S. intelligence official said an al Qaeda member suspected in the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania may have been killed in the attack, but did not name him.
“Rumours are circulating on the radios that Fazul would have died from the bombings in Somalia,” a family member told Reuters on condition of anonymity. “We had to keep a night vigil in the hope of getting a telephone call,” he said, adding they did not even know whether Mohammed was in Somalia.
This is the guy who was supposed to have been behind the bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed many, many, Africans, along with a small number of Americans, not too mention all those who were injured. And Al-Reuters is actually worried sympathetic enough about him to go find a family member, then keep them anonymous. You can see where the sympathies of the left leaning Reuters lies.