Back on January 2nd, I mentioned that Nancy Pelosi wants to take away your 1st Amendment Rights, through the Democrats lobbying reform Bill. Now, we have some more information, via CNS News
…many take issue with section 220 of the Lobbying Transparency and Accountability Act of 2007, which requires "disclosure of paid efforts to stimulate grassroots lobbying."
"Section 220 is a direct assault on the first amendment and the right of citizens to freely petition their government for a redress of grievances," said Rev. Louis Sheldon, chairman of the Traditional Values Coalition, in a statement.
"This legislation will place onerous reporting requirements on individuals and organizations that lobby our national leaders on issues of importance to them. And, it will impose draconian fines – including potential criminal penalties – for failure to obey these new lobby restrictions," Sheldon added.
He noted that the bill would "target any organization with more than 500 supporters or if a communication reaches 500 or more individuals. Those affected include every blogger, every church, every non-profit or any group that uses direct mail, telephone calls, newspaper or print ads, paid organizers, radio and TV ads and Internet communications."
You know, I would have assumed that Liberal bloggers and websites would be just as furious as I, and other Right side bloggers, are. So far, though, bupkiss.
Take two of the biggest Liberal sites, the Daily Kos and the Democratic Underground. These sites continuously ask their readers to contact someone. Tons of petitions. And they will be filing forms with the FEC enough to have to hire people on a full time basis to take care of them.
Now, take a much smaller blogger like me. I have asked people to contact government officials numerous times. Did 500 or more people read those posts? It is quite possible, and the burden to prove otherwise would certainly fall on me. I can tell you one thing; if the Bill passes, and the FEC tries, I won't hire a lawyer. I will simply go to court and state:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
That is pretty specific, eh? Congress. Shall. Make. No. Law.
It really wouldn't be a big deal filing. Jeez, I pay $9.99 a month for Dreamhost, and $8.99 a year for the domain name. However, might they want more? Perhaps what I pay for my mortgage, since that is where I blog the most. Or similar info when I stay at a hotel, or visit a friend or parent. Cost of Road Runner. Maybe the equipment. Who knows?
I am not lobbying anyone. I am not offering anything to the elected officials, who, guess what? Work for you and I. I am simply petitioning for redress of grievances. And any law would be unconstitutional. Period.
It gets better
"This cleverly-written section doesn't directly assault free speech, but it creates a climate of fear that chills free speech," he said. "The curious thing about this legislation is that it exempts labor unions, corporations and even foreign companies from these reporting requirements. Yet, these are the entities that are most likely to engage in unethical lobbying activities – not small grassroots groups."
What else is there to say?
Check out Stop The ACLU, which excerpts from an ACLJ article on this issue, more specifically as to how it affects Christian churches, as well as a petition, which, yup, would require Jay, as a grassroots blogger, to file with the FEC, since the petition (which you can sign below) is to all members of Congress.
Sign the ACLJ petition here.

[…] Pirate’s Cove linked with Are You Ready To File With The FEC? The Irate Nation linked with New Congress Proposes Dangerous Legislation to Impact Churches Wake up America> linked with ” href=”” mce_href=””>New Congress Proposes Drastic Legislation to Impac Church and State linked with How the Dem’s Lose Their Way in 100 Hours Bookmark to: […]
Oh, I’ll file all right. You just don’t want to know WHAT I’ll file, or WHERE I’ll file it…
I file something with Nancy Pelosi