People can say what they want about 60 Minutes being left leaning, but, they have done a wonderful job throughout regarding the Duke Lacrosse Case. And Sunday nights episode was no different.
You can watch a segment from the interview with the families of the accused players, which I would recommend heavily, rather then excerpting a lot.
However, just a few things that caught my eye:
Reade Seligmann had an alibi for that night – time stamped photos, which appeared to show he had already left the party before the rape could have occurred. Collin Finnerty also had an alibi, but the parents say no one in Nifong's office wanted to hear about it.
"I mean, to this day, no one has spoken to Collin and Reade, or asked them anything about their whereabouts," says Mary Ellen Finnerty.
"Mr. Nifong, actually never even spoke to the attorney. What he did is, he sent out a messenger, or someone who works within his office to say, basically, 'I have no interest in anything you have to show me,'" says Kathy Seligmann.
That isn't very surprising, as Nifong has been more interested in reelection and looking good for a city with lots of racial tension and a large Black population.
60 Minutes has learned that she (the accuser) has a "long psychological history" and that she had taken anti-psychotic medications like Depakote and Seroquel.
"When I'm trying to get over the rage I am thinking about, so deeply, this young woman who has been abused by men all her life. And nobody has abused her more than Mike Nifong," says Rae Evans.
However, she can only be the victim so much when she made the accusations, and has continued to make them.

That’s good that 60 Minutes was honest; I haven’t watched that show in ages. I would really like to see Nifong hung by his toenails but the MSM has yet to really place him in a negative light.
The local media here hates Nifong. They are PO’d that he goes running of to the NY Times for interviews, but will not speak to the them locally.
With respect to these three young men and their families, It will be interesting to learn who turns out to be the spider and who the fly…at Duke University.