First we had Muzzies say "don't fly US Airways, because they were mean to the Six Imams." Now, we have Northwest in for the same treatment
About 40 Muslims from the Detroit area say they were stranded last week at an airport in Frankfurt, Germany, and given varying explanations about why they could not board their Northwest Airlines flight to Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
A spokesman for Northwest said Tuesday that the travelers, who were returning from a pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, reported to the gate about 20 minutes before their connecting flight was to take off. They were barred from making the trip by airline and international flight rules, he said.
"They showed up at the last minute," said Dean Breest, a Northwest spokesman. "Those who showed up in time were allowed on the plane. Some of them had boarding passes, and they were allowed on the plane. The others were late. We did work with all of them to make sure that they were on other flights that day."
So, of course, the Muzzies, who do not like to follow the rules, and do things, like praying to Allah loudly, bad mouthing the USA, blowing up planes, etc, want an apology, and, yes, $$$$$. Because it is the airlines fault that they showed up late, of course. It's actually a very Liberal attituted, where, no matter what, it is always someone else's fault.
If the Muzzies do not get their extortion money and an apology, they say, along with CAIR, that they will boycott Northwest. Hooray! Another airline that is safe to fly! I wish Continental would do something that gets them boycotted by the Muzzies, since they are my preferred choice of air carrier.

I bet the airline caves.
There is a good chance of that.