In my email from Steve Elliott, president of
Border Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean are just 24 hours
from reporting to federal prison to serve 11 and 12 years for
their attempt to apprehend an illegal alien drug smuggler.Last week, Ron De Jong and I had the privilege of meeting
Jose Compean and his wife while presenting 225,000 petitions
to members of Congress on Capitol Hill. The Compeans expressed
their heartfelt thanks for everything you have done in signing
this petition, making phone calls, faxes, etc.Would you take up their cause again today and make yet
another round of phone calls?Here is a list of calls:
The White House: 202-456-1414
Justice Department: 202-514-2001
North Carolina Sen. Burr (202) 224-3154
North Carolina Sen. Dole (202) 224-6342
The only official word from the White House came through
Spokesman Tony Snow last week who gave no indication that
the President is considering taking action.
The two agents are supposed to report to prison at 2pm Eastern time today. I have already made my calls and sent my emails. Now, it is your turn. If you are not from North Carolina, go to Congress Merge to find the contact info for your Senate Critters.
And, if you haven't already, sign the petition. Remember, even if Bush doesn't pardon them today, he can still pardon them in the future, so we have to keep the pressure up.
I have to say, on this issue, I agree with this
"I'm ashamed of this president," said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, who with a group of lawmakers has been entreating the president to intercede in this case on behalf of the agents. "If this president had Christian charity in his heart he would have reached out to Ramos and Compean in some way."
Exactly. And World Net Daily asks
Is the president obeying the laws of the land when he chooses not to enforce them?
How have 20 million aliens entered our country illegally if the president and his predecessor were enforcing border and immigration laws?
It seems odd – bizarre really – that the White House would focus on a mere technicality in the case of the Border Patrol agents bravely and heroically doing their jobs, while conveniently overlooking the president's criminal neglect of the duly enacted laws of the land.
Quite frankly, based on his performance on illegal immigration, I am almost sorry I voted for him in 2004.