GWACBM=Global Warming As Caused By Man. From the Raleigh N&O
Regarding the Jan. 16 article "Evangelicals join scientists on warming":
Despite the media's persistent blurring of natural variability vs. anthropogenic responsibility for global climate change, the scientific community is in overwhelming agreement that human activities are hugely responsible. So news of faith communities' efforts to rally their constituents to act with a common sense of urgency about threats to life on Earth is most encouraging.
In the Triangle, the N.C. Council of Churches and Interfaith Power and Light are organizing to join clergy leaders with scientists. In the next few weeks, for example, there will be clergy breakfasts in Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill with Dr. William Schlesinger, dean of the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Science at Duke University. These meetings are intended to provide opportunities to discuss global climate change and encourage hope and positive action in support of global warming solutions.
Got that? The scientific community is in overwhelming agreement. So, I decided that I had to write my once a quarter letter to the editor, which, as of Wednesday, is stull not published.
In response to the letter written by Nancy Carter, published on Monday, I must respectfully disagree that "the scientific community is in overwhelming agreement that human activities are hugely responsible" for global warming. In fact, they are not.
While a vast amount of scientists do agree that the Earth is going through a warming period, following on the heals of the Little Ice Age, not all, and especially not most, agree that it is primarily caused by human activity. In fact, most true, scientific studies, versus the computer models, which, BTW, cannot even tell us what the weather is with 100% reliability 10 days out, show that natural processes are responsible, such as the Sun in a higher activity state and volcano's in the Mid Atlantic Ridge being more active.
Certainly, Man plays some small part. But, do we cause massive changes in climate, or just local conditions? I submit to you the falsity of the "Snows of Kilimanjaro," which blamed the melting of the snow and glaciers on Global Warming as Caused by Man. In fact, Man was the cause, but not through "climate change," as it is disingenuously called. The issue was clear cutting, which changed the weather patterns around the mountain. It was not global warming.
Instead of having an honest discussion on global warming, those who faithfully spout the approved doctrine want to shut down any who disagree, as perfectly illustrated by the cartoon on the editorial page from the same day.
Instead of wasting time on something we can do little about, we should be working towards cleaner air, water, and land. Maybe better fuel economy for vehicles, to reduce pollutants. Funny how some of the biggest Global Warming as Caused By Mankind supporters live in the Los Angelos area. How's the air quality in L.A., BTW?
If those who spout the approved global warming doctrines actually cared, they would give up all forms of oil based travel, including their cars and trip by plane. Funny how that doesn't occur, eh?
Wouldn't want Liberals to have to deal with facts, now, would we? The might swoon, have coniption fits, sound like someone with Turrets syndrome, and get sick to their tummies.
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[…] Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Big Dog’s Weblog, basil’s blog, Stuck On Stupid, Thought Alarm, Conservative Cat, Sujet- Celebrities, The HILL Chronicles, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, and Dumb Ox Daily News, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. Bookmark to: Tags: Democrats, , Port, Security, , Lies, , Broken, Promises […]
Coulter on the Billary Run for the Best lil Whorehouse in D.C….
All Scientists Agree On GWACBM?…
GWACBM=Global Warming As Caused By Man. From the Raleigh N&O
Regarding the Jan. 16 article “Evangelicals join scientists on warming”:
Despite the media’s persistent blurring of natural variability vs. anthropogenic responsibility…
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Midweek OTB & Linkfest For Jan. 24-25, 2007…
Scary 2008 Scenario. Not Again. We don’t need another Clinton "twofer" This is a midweek OTB & Linkfest for January24-25,2007. Trackback URL:…
Thursday 13: 2006 Business Blunders…
CNN/ has posted its annual list of the “100 Biggest Business Blunders” of the previous year.
It’s a high-workload/low creativity Thursday, so here are my 13 favorites (not in any order of preference):
1. Northwest Airlines …
[…] Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Adam’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, Right Truth, basil’s blog, Common Folk Using Common Sense, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, The Bullwinkle Blog, Thought Alarm, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, Sujet- Celebrities, Wake Up America, third world county, The HILL Chronicles, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. […]
Non Binding Resolutions/Petition to Senate…
Hat Tip to Hot Air, N.Z. Bear has a petition started, quite a few signatures already!…
Ice Agents accidentally do their jobs….Will probably be prosecuted…
Stik was scooped by A Great Blog Morning Coffee
But digging by the Stiknstein staff of out of work congressional pages turned up a little more to the story…………..
Keeping in line with Administration and Homeland Security Policy, …
I don’t ever worry about global warming. Why you ask? Because the Islamofacists will have killed all of us before we have to worry about the planet warming that much.
Open Topic of the Week: State of the Union…
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I love global warming. It creates better storms at sea and winds, good for surfing!
Kill or capture…
I like it that the words are not in alphabetical order….
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The scientific community has never been in overwhelming agreement over global warming. In fact, merely a cursory search reveals plenty of disagreement over many aspects of the global warming debate including, but not limited to, the cause of the phenomena, if it is cyclical or not, whether or not it can be reversed and even if it is a long-term or short-term event that occurs naturally. The claims that the scientific community is in agreement over global warming is a completely and utterly disingenuous claim.