January 7, 2007 – 2:57 pm
Check it out, two more fine bloggers to add to the American Flag League. Give a big Playoffs hand to SevenStripes.com Il Rumore dei miei Venti (From Italy!) Welcome aboard, Matey's!
January 7, 2007 – 9:51 am
Happy Sunday. The penguins are back! Why? How about that wacky ending to the Seahawks-Cowgirls game? Shame the way that turned out (snicker). Love those camera shots of T.O., the most hated man in the NFL, having hissy fits on the sideline. Hey, T.O., try not dropping the damn ball. Hot Air has the video. […]
January 6, 2007 – 8:30 pm
Let me get this straight; they were sworn in officially as the Majority Party on January 4th, just 2 short days ago, and they have already broken promises to work in a bipartisan manner and not raise taxes, and now, this (from the Washington Times, h/t KGrendition) House Democrats campaigned on a promise to implement […]
January 6, 2007 – 3:46 pm
How about some barbecue? Tasty, eh? Do you dare preceed and read more?
January 6, 2007 – 11:53 am
So much for religious tolerance by the "religion of piece" Assailants gunned down a Muslim preacher known for his anti-Hamas views on Friday, witnesses said, moments after he exited a mosque where he delivered a sermon criticizing the Islamic group's role in a wave of Palestinian violence. These are the same people who freak out […]
January 6, 2007 – 7:32 am
Yes, that is what the headlines states. It is in regard to the letter that Pelosi and Reid sent to the President, without even know what the details of the revised Iraq plans are. I suppose the truth isn't in the details, but in the smear. What is disappointing is Republicans are not out their […]
January 5, 2007 – 4:14 pm
Senator Russ Feingold, who, on his government paid for website, stated that he would introduce legislation to redeploy most US troops within 4-6 months from Iraq, did just that, according to a pandering at the Hufftard Post …I've decided to start the 110th Congress off by addressing these very two issues. Yesterday, I introduced legislation […]
January 5, 2007 – 1:42 pm
First, the Democrats broke the promise to work in a bipartisan manner. Now, they break nancy Pelosi's promise to not raise taxes WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Earlier today, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was elected as the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House. Following that vote the House of Representatives voted on […]
January 5, 2007 – 7:10 am
Happy Friday to all! It's that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it! Yes, that's right, as Nance Pelosi is holding the […]
January 4, 2007 – 6:49 pm
Let me start off by saying that I am not against raising the minimum wage a bit, as it hasn't been since 1997. I do have an issue with some teenage burger jockey, who I'm not denigrating, as most of us have been in that position while young, getting $7.25 an hour mandated by law. […]