Really, I haven't written anything about the whole "Edwards hiring two nasty bigots" issue. It was fun enough just watching the Leftards spin themselves into pretzels, blaming those on the Right for the words of Melissa McEwan and Amanda Marcotte, and just not getting what the issue was.
It wasn't really the vulgar language, though it certainly didn't help. It wasn't the racist, bigoted, tasteless, anti-religion diatribes launched on a non stop basis. It was that John Edwards hired the two potty mouthed bigots to work for his campaign to be President of the United States of America. We keep hearing from those on the Left, mostly those in elected office, not the nutroots, that they want civil discourse. At least since they won the midterms. Heh!
Anyhow, are those the kind of people that a presidential contender should be hiring? Even if they kept the vulgarity and anti-men/Christians/etc vitriol to a minimum on his official site, what would keep them from performing their normal act on their own sites? The Nutroots might enjoy it, but that would continue to keep the average American, who the nutroots think are idiots and morons and Jebus nuts, from supporting Breck Girl.
This is the funny part, though, straight from the donkeys fingers
There will be some who clamor to claim victory for my resignation, but I caution them that in doing so, they are tacitly accepting responsibility for those who have deluged my blog and my inbox with vitriol and veiled threats. It is not right-wing bloggers, nor people like Bill Donohue or Bill O'Reilly, who prompted nor deserve credit for my resignation, no matter how much they want it, but individuals who used public criticisms of me as an excuse to unleash frightening ugliness, the likes of which anyone with a modicum of respect for responsible discourse would denounce without hesitation.
You know, I am scrolling through Melissa's archives a bit, and I haven't run across anything really worse then something we on the right would write. Yet. I have read the excerpts, and the biggest offender seems to be Marcotte. You tell me, is this "responsible discourse?"
What don’t you lousy motherfuckers understand about keeping your noses out of our britches, our beds, and our families?
…The unmitigated temerity of calling themselves the “Pro-Family” Network while they try to undermine gay families is just about enough to send me permanently around the bend. And what’s this bullshit about children deserving to be “in that relationship”? If you’re so bloody passionate about making sure kids have a mom and a dad, then surely you’re spending at least as much time and effort on deadbeat parents and trying to criminalize divorce for couples with children, right? No? Pretty much just focused on preventing gays from giving homes to unwanted children? What a fucking surprise.
Oh, and I see on your shitbag website that “Hate Crimes Bills” are one of your priorities. What does that have to do with families? Or did you get that bug up your ass, Greg, when you went through your “conversion” and got out of the “gay lifestyle” you lived for the first half of your life? Just because you were “miserable” as a gay man and were “ashamed of being gay,” doesn’t give you the right to try to ungay-by-law all the other people who don’t feel ashamed of themselves, you useless, self-loathing turd…
Or, how about this? (have to see it in cached mode at Malkin's spot, since Marcotte went on a cleaning binge.)
In the meantime, I've been sort of casually listening to CNN blaring throughout the waiting area and good fucking god is that channel pure evil. For awhile, I had to listen to how the poor dear lacrosse players at Duke are being persecuted just because they held someone down and fucked her against her will-not rape, of course, because the charges have been thrown out. Can't a few white boys sexually assault a black anymore without people getting all wound up about it? So unfair.
Responsible discourse? Snicker.
Their welcome to their Free Speech. They are also responsible for it. I guess they really do not like it when people defend themselves from the Leftard assaults.
And, no, do not even attempt to start with me about my archives. That have rarely ever, if ever, gotten that bad, and, I'm not working for a presidential candidate. Plus, I won't blame others for what I write.
More over at Michele's spot, as well as Confederate Yankee and Danny Glover.
Update: Beth at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy points out that Marcotte doesn't like to be called an idiot:
I’m not an idiot. I’m a twat. Get it straight.
I’m a hot, moist, inviting twat. Warm, wet, inviting. But not to you or your friends. Even if I were single, these nubile thighs do not wrap around the hips of Republicans. You can fuck yourselves or the dry twats of the self-hating misogynists who will allow you tiny penis to penetrate them. Have fun! Um, the wounds you get from rubbing you un-lubricated dick repeatedly into your heartless, soulless woman–iodine is your best friend, my be-scarred friend.
Yup, I'm giving the same link to Basil, like Beth did. Tell me, is that a modicum of respect for responsible discource, Melissa? Actually, it sounds more like Amanda is not getting some satisfactory lovin' (yes, the F word would be better) from her Liberal buds. At least we know she would talk dirty in bed!
Also, as Beth points out, the Anchoress has a must read on the whole issue.
The Good Lt., over at The Jawa Report, catches a good comment at Shakespeare's Sister, which includes:
But in retrospect – Those that feel that these resignations are a "win" for their side are horribly wrong. If anything, this whole situation with yourself and Amanda has only strengthened my resolve. It has given me anger, and with anger comes great passion. I will try to use it wisely, but I might need a day to cool off.
Now, the Sith were evil, right? I suppose you have to be a Star Wars fan to get the reference ("I can feel your anger. It gives you focus… makes you stronger."), but, doesn't that picture remind you of the Nutroots?

Bill O’Reilly hit the nail on the head with Democrat analyst Jane Fleming, representing Young Democrats of America, when he pointed out and even got the analyst to admit that if the bloggers wrote anti-black materials in the past, they would have been fired immediately but since they wrote anti-Catholic and anti-Christian materials they were acceptable and Fleming actually admitted she would NOT have fired them for anti-Catholic and anti-Christian material. This is the hypocrisy the liberal extremists cannot avoid and it has been exposed yet once again. Fleming kept try to throw red herring after red herring at O’Reilly who was having none of it and he really worked hard to keep her on point. She tried in vain to avoid his questions which only furthered O’Reilly’s point about liberal hypocrisy concerning this issue. Fleming pathetically tried to redirect the focus but thanks to O’Reilly, Fleming had to show that even she exhibits and embraces the same double-standard. Also O’Reilly was dead on when he correctly pointed out Edward’s arrogance over this issue. It’s obviously not the only double-standard Edwards exhibits. Remember all his rhetoric over the “haves and have-nots”? Well his palacial estate with the clear-cutting and ultra-security is clear proof that he’s all talk and no action. More Edwards hypocrisy. He and his campaign is toast and I predict he’ll put his foot in his mouth more in the future leading up to the Democrat’s Primary Elections (he may end up doing or saying something so idiotic that he’ll withdraw before the Primary).
10-4 Carl and when Jane Fleming was on the ropes, she told Bill O’Reilly that “I’m a Catholic and
that the Catholic League were EXTREMISTS! And then she said she would fire a staff member who insulted blacks but not Catholics? No doubt Jane is only a C&E Catholic – Attends only Christmas and Easter Masses! O’Reilly really smoked the John Edwards campaign and to sit there and see Jane Fleming smirk and call Mr. O’Reilly a liar – as a supposed Roman Catholic – was evil and blasphemous! My nickname for John ‘Blew It In 2004’ Edwards is Opee Edwards – from Mayberry days of old! GO RUDY in 2008!! He’s our ONLY high profile heavyweight to keep the ‘Beast of the East’ – Hillary – out of the Oval Office!!! I like Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich too. GOD bless US and deliver US from evil-Amen.