Many people ask "what can I do to help the troops? There seems to be so many groups out there trying to help." Well, you are correct. But, they are all good. And, here is one that I have always enjoyed giving to: Operation Jellybeans To Hero's Unseen
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15, 2007 – After sending thousands of homemade Valentines and boxes of candy to troops serving overseas, SI Yellow Ribbon Campaign is gearing up for its fourth “Operation Jellybeans to Heroes Unseen.”
In this operation, the organization sends boxes of Easter goodies to servicemembers to remind them that Americans at home are still thinking about them.
SI Yellow Ribbon Campaign is a member of America Supports You, a Defense Department program that highlights and facilitates the ways Americans and the corporate sector are supporting the nation’s servicemembers.
“We try to include in each box a bag of jelly beans, a small chocolate bunny, a box of Peeps, a bag of assorted candy and a carton of marshmallow eggs, along with the cards … from all across the country,” said Amy Oxford, the group’s founder. She added that Easter is the last holiday of the year for which she feels comfortable sending chocolate to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan because of rising temperatures in those locations.
Oxford is asking for donations for Easter packages to arrive at her Illinois headquarters by March 16. Easter falls on April 8, but the early deadline allows time for volunteers to pack and ship the 500 boxes Oxford hopes to ship to the troops so they arrive by the holiday, she explained.
The first link will give you the address, and what it is suggested you send. Or, send money. You can also go to Operation Yellow Ribbon and make a donation through Pay Pal.
Last year, I sent a nice box with all sorts of Easter goodies. Sure, that isn't what Easter is about, but, it means a lot to our troops to recieve a care package on a major Christian holiday from Americans who care. And, I plan on doing it again on Wednesday.
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[…] Thoughts, Pursuing Holiness, Rightlinx, third world county, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, Renaissance Blogger, Planck’s Constant, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to […]