I guess she is ignoring former rented Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's quote "We need to be smarter about how we wage a war on terror. We need to deny them the recruits. We need to deny them the safe havens. We need to rebuild our alliances. "
(Washington Times) Not content with undermining the war effort in Iraq, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has apparently set her sights on Turkey, a NATO ally and one of the few Muslim-majority nations in the world that is a democracy. Mrs. Pelosi has scheduled a vote in April on a resolution (H. Res. 106) that accuses Turkey's Ottoman Empire of perpetrating "genocide" resulting in the death or displacement of nearly 2 million Armenians between 1915 and 1923. With the United States currently fighting a war for its very survival against radical Islamists, Congress should have much more important priorities than revisiting events that occurred more than 80 years ago — particularly when doing so has the potential to do serious damage to U.S. relations with Turkey, whose cooperation will be critical to U.S. efforts to stabilize Iraq.
I'm not really sure what this would accomplish, other then demolishing our alliances. Oh, wait, that's right
But H. Res. 106 has far more to do with the power of ethnic lobbies in Washington than with larger U.S. foreign policy interests. The reality is that Armenian and Greek lobbying organizations hostile to Turkey command far more power in Washington than do pro-Turkish groups. And in their effort to settle old scores dating back to World War I, they have the potential to damage our current ability to maintain Turkey's cooperation in stabilizing Iraq, where upwards of 140,000 American troops are stationed, and to do grave damage to our relationship with an ally of long standing, a country that has long been a bulwark against regional rogue states like Syria. For many years, Turkey was the only Muslim nation in the Middle East to have trade and diplomatic relations with Israel.
Wasn't Pelosi going to do away with this type of influence by lobbyists?
Anyhow, I wonder when she will submit the legislation condemning the United Nations and Clinton administration for turning away as 850K+ Rwandans were slaughtered in 1994. And, how about the North Carolina Democratic Party for the Wilmington massacre, and for their general treatment of Blacks overall. And let's not forget the millions killed in Southeast Asia once the Democratic Congress forced a pullout from Vietnam. Lot's of blood on the Democrats hands.
Do you have an interesting post? Well, go ahead and leave a trackback, with a reciprical link back to me. Others offering open trackbacks are over in the right sidebar, near bottom.

United Nations: Readies Rare Rebuke for Tehran…
The deadline has come and gone. Iran has not complied with resolution 1737 adopted by the UN Security Council on 23 december 2006….
[…] third world county, Allie Is Wired, stikNstein… has no mercy, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, Planck’s Constant, Renaissance Blogger, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, […]
Equal Pay…
Now there will be equal pay in at least one sport for men and women.
WIMBLEDON, England – After years of holding out against equal prize money, Wimbledon bowed to public pressure Thursday and agreed to pay women players as much as the men at t…..
Connecticut Prison for Kids Teams Up With Fake Justice System…
…an excerpt from an article in the current issue of Windows Secrets Newsletter about the substitute teacher who’s been railroaded as a result of school district incompetence…
New Barenaked Ladies Video…
One of my favorite bands of all time, Barenaked Ladies have a new video out for their song “Sound Of Your Voice.” The video stars many fairly well-known YouTube “celebrities” but the band themselves aren’t in it (except for one brief Terry Gilliam…
Civil War Part 2…
I’m not sure how to take this video however it’s worth it just for the cheesy “Thriller” spoof portion. However you take it, don’t take it seriously.
Welcome to readers from The Trouble With Angels, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Blue Star Chronicles…
Quality Handmade Guitar Made From $15 Endtable…
It sounds like a scam. I mean, really…making a quality, handmade guitar from an Ikea endtable??? However I’ve been familiar with Zachary Guitars and his website for several years and I know for a fact that his guitars are some of the best in the…
Stop Al Gore…
Re-reject Kyoto.
Read and sign the petition today at Patriot Petitions….
[…] Pirate’s Cove Don’t ever try to swim against the mighty tide of justice. « Thirsday Linkfest: Pelosi Gives The Bird To Turkey […]
[…] to Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Perri Nelson’s Website, basil’s blog, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks […]
Thomas Sowell on Public Golf and Poverty…
Thomas Sowell gets pithy on “Priceless Politics”. Writing about the plight of San Francisco’s municipal golf courses, Sowell asks the rhetorical questions we all ask about our city governments, and provides the obvious common-sense answers; obvious,…
Florida the rules are different here Chapter 84…
City managers are usually in the news mostly when they are fired or hired. In Largo Florida, the city manager has announced he will be having a sex change operation….
Getting to the Kernel of the Problem…
A friend and blogging ally recently mentioned the frustration (known to all popcorn lovers) of The Kernel Piece That Sticks In Your Gums And Will Not Leave.
As a long-time eater of popcorn, this has always been something of a sticking point with me, an…
New York’s a buzzin t’day!…
A student Republican club at New York University has planned a ‘Find the Illegal Immigrant’ game for Thursday that has some on campus calling the event “racist.”
[…] to Pirate Cove’s Trackback Party! By Raven | Posted in War on Terrorism, Raven, Islamification […]
Tomorrow the movie The Number 23 opens. In honor of that here are 13 things 23:…
[…] Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, Rightlinx, third world county, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, Renaissance Blogger, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Right Pundits, Random […]
* ‘08 Presidential Section:
Ten months before even the first primary, the candidates for president
are already crisscrossing the country, and much of their travel is to
Hey Skreecher of the Socialist House Madame Speaker – Guess what? The radical Islamomaniacs just attacked Iraqis with….CHLORENE GAS yesterday? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? World War I all over again? Nancy…WW I was the war that was supposed to end all future wars!
But like the lefties say…we’re not SURE if the chlorene gas came from ….
higher ups in Iran…Syria…Saudi Arabia….Jordan…or CNN or NBC!
Add chlorene gas to your global warming myths! MOPP Condition RED!!
–Ben Franklin’s Almanac 2007
Open Topic of the Week: Reader’s Choice…
I considered a couple of topic ideas (Windows Vista, The Oscars, Nichole Part II…) but none of ’em really struck me in the gut. SO… I decided to run with another reader’s choice to see what youse guys come up…
Pelosi cries like a little girl…
Heaven forbid one would call a spade a spade…
Do Consequences Matter?…
I was over at A Few Shiny Pebbles, reading this article about the War on Terror. In it, Bruce’s friend Minta quotes Teddy Roosevelt about the need for courage and sacrifice in the face of evil. The implication is pretty……
American senior citizens kick some ass…
Nothing like thinking you have an easy mark, with a tour bus of senior citizen tourists…
Dennis Hopper revealed to me that it’s all about Brad Davis – who played William Hayes in Midnight Express – dumping Nancy for Irene Miracle…..
Getting busted for two kilos of Hash at the airport during Nixon’s presidency – and getting thrown into a Turkish prison…where he was a YIP and got stabbed in the ass… and eventually escaped and swam to Greece!
Anyway…the hash was meant for the San Francisco Grateful Dead concert,
so a lot of San Fran Sickos were disappointed. Again, Magic Carpet Ride –
NOT – Midnight Express – a bummer. I miss my Incirlik AB trading days at Big John’s Alley where brass lamps, onyx chess sets, wood carved eagles, leather jackets and pistacio nuts could be bartered for inexpensively!
Stop Al Gore and Reject the UN’s Global Warming Treaty…
Al Gore is re-energizing the movement advocating Kyoto compliance — the biggest UN power-grab in history.
I urge you to sign this petition now, please. We already have over 30,000 electronic signatures. We want to deliver 100,000 signatures to th…