Go Big D!
WASHINGTON (AFP) – US Vice President Dick Cheney told Democrats Thursday to stop "posturing" on Iraq, warning it was an "inconvenient truth" that the bloody conflict was the key front in the war on terror.
Cheney delighted core conservatives gathered in Washington for their annual conference, and upped the stakes in a political tug-of-war with Democrats, by referencing his predecessor Al Gore and Osama bin Laden in the same sentence.
"It is worth reminding ourselves, that like it or not, the enemy we face in the war on terror has made Iraq the primary front in that war," Cheney told delegates at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
"To use a popular phrase, this is an inconvenient truth: in Bin Laden's words, 'success in Baghdad will be success for the United States.'
"Failure in Iraq is the failure of the United States," said Cheney, who suffers from low opinion poll ratings nationally, but is regarded almost as a folk hero by conservatives.
It is amazing that Cheney has to remind those on the left and in the media, often one and the same, about these things. Whether the administration and the military leadership wanted this to happen, ie, bringing all the little jihadists to Iraq, a fight in a place of our choosing, rather then Afghanistan or the USA, is unkown. But, it is happening.
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"I sincerely hope the discussion this time will be about winning in Iraq, not posturing on Capitol Hill," Cheney said.
"Anyone can say they support the troops … we expect the House and the Senate to meet those needs on time and in full."
"We" meaning those on the Right, and certainly much of middle America, who do not get involved in all the political posturing, nor want to. They want the government to do what is correct. Of course, those on the left expect, nay, demand that the Congressional Dems posture, if not force a complete surrender.
Is it time to maybe move the War on Terror from Iraq, giving the Iraq people a break? Perhaps. Maybe taking it to Somalia, though Ethiopia has done well there so far. But it is in the best interest of the U.S.A. to keep the fight overseas as much as possible.
Trackposted to Perri Nelson's Website, Rightlinx, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Adam's Blog, stikNstein… has no mercy, basil's blog, The World According to Carl, Overtaken by Events, Stuck On Stupid, Cao's Blog, Dumb Ox Daily News, Jo's Cafe, and Conservative Thoughts, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

[…] to Phastido.net, Ask Andrea, Pirate’s Cove, Planck’s Constant, Overtaken by Events, StikNstein has no mercy, Pursuing Holiness, […]
Uncle VP Dick Vader is a true patriot. When I flew on missions in war and peace, I used to say that I would rather have a loyal trusted mule to rely on than some fancy primadonna race horse! Dick & Lynne Cheney are what’s best for our secular ‘If it feels good do it, and if something goes wrong blame somebody else’ society of Godless socialist misfits. The Mother Canuckers lauded an assassination film on President Bush a few months ago, and this pathetic fact was embraced by the Demlibloonies. Now they said in reference to the assassination attempt on VP Vader last week, “Better luck next time?” W.T. and fellow patriettes and patriots, thanks to YOU we can keep our troops and airmens morale high during our WAR with radical Islamic terror and against liberal
traitors IN America, and around
our borders! On C-Span the blog award at the 2007 CPAC convention went to…Truth Laid Bare/Bear I think? Folks, ALL bloggers for conservatism are WINNERS and GOD bless ALL of you! – Death Star II
Dear Kent State Traitor Mullah Pino,
Our nation is at WAR with radical Islamomaniacs that have declared jihad on America, Israel and our allies in February 1998. Osama bin Laden wants to KILL and/or
convert Christians, Jews and nonbelieving
infidels, and so do Hezbollah, the PLO and Hamas terrorist organizations globally.
Carnac of Treason Pino – sir you should be arrested and charged with treason – NOW!
Treason is defined as a violation by citizen of allegiance to country or ruler; treachery; disloyalty. Like Professor Sammi Arian in Florida – you sir are a threat to America. – Death Star II