And a happy Sunday to all! This pinup is obviously by Gil Elvgren, with a little help. It’s almost that time for sun and fun at the beach, don’t ya think?
What’s happening out there?
- Blogs for Bush has an incredible video about “How Modern Liberals Think.” Rather long, but well worth it
- Still Stacy has her weekend music choice
- The Bullwinkle Blog has Swiss Army Pimps
- Indian Chris at Hooah Wife has Bill Nye the Science Guy
- C.A. Marks (Alabama Improper) on the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
- Harvey (Bad Example) on the other side of the British hostage situation
- Blue Crab Boulevard on the Left losing the media
- Beth at Blue Star Chronicles says Charlie Sheen has a screw loose. Said screw keeps Charlie’s cerebral retaining walls standing
- Cao has her visual DNA
- Flight Pundit says “Keep your hands off my freedom!”
- Raven has Maine in March. I love lighthouses
- Right Wing Nut House asks if we are days away from war with Iran
- Beth (MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy) discusses Operation America Rising
- Six Meat Buffet says the Iranian/British crisis is averted. Heh!
- Wizbang on Man not being found guilty of global warming. Smart kids
- Finally, the Anchoress on the immorality of global warming moralizing
- Have to add one more: Barking Moonbat Early Warning System with campaign ads from both the Hillary and Obama camps. Go ahead and not laugh. I dare you.
Much more great stuff out there, have a ball!
Oh, and a strange funny fact: that video I posted the other day of World Can’t Wait vs. Bill O’Reilly? Well, the version I put on Youtube has been embraced by the Left in a big way, which was not my intention of course. Shat happens. Info Wars and Prison Planet have picked it up for their own purposes, making it the #100 most discussed and #75 most linked this week. LOL. Guess they missed the part about “moonbat.” Some of the comments are hilarious.

[…] The Pirate’s Cove pins up his Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup! […]
WT – If Arianna Huffington cared for her former husband in the way most ‘normal’ heterosexual women do, perhaps he wouldn’t have ‘pulled’ a McGreevy and gone gay? Her Warsaw Pact ‘Vladess the Impaler’ accent really bores one to death. Like Vlad and Dracula, her anti-American views sure SUCK! Cudos again Blackbeard for your Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup WT & Happy Holy Week!