You just have to love a Liberal who portrays all the ideals of compassion that Liberals preach about non-stop (from the Hufftardian Post)
Back in 2004, when Bush seemed to win the Presidential election for the first time, I made a vow. It was that in future years, if I happened to see an elderly homeless person holding out his hat, I would lean down and ask him who he voted for in 2004. If he said "Bush", I planned to step over him and walk on.
In this same vein, I plan not to lift a finger to help the State of Oklahoma if Senator Inhofe continues to reject global warming in the sorts of rude terms that he used with Al Gore last week. Same goes for the home districts in Texas of Ralph Hall and Joe Barton. The voters in Oklahoma and those particular districts in Texas are responsible for these clowns, and it is about time that they told them to put a lid on it.
Isn't that sweet? It is always so interesting when liberals go off the reservation and start ringing the bells in the minaret at midnight.
I just have to ask Jane one thing: will she pledge not to help the people of Massachussets because one of their Senators has been doing everything in his power to block the Cape Wind Project, which would provide 85% of the power for Nantucket in a clean, safe, global warming as caused by Man neutral manner? It would harm no one, would not release CO2 or methane, and various groups, both governmental and private, say the seabirds would be OK.
Jane, what say you? See, I have to ask here, because, as of the time of this writing, my comment to that has not appeared on the Huff Post. Which brings up another point. When all those insane, disgusting comments appear, it seems as if someone actually has to approve them manually.
They are so cute when they are insane. And global warming caused by Man (snicker) seems to be one of the SUNjects that pushes them over the edge.
[…] Teach (Pirate's Cove) looks at a typical compassionate […]