Seriously, where are the Congressional investigations? Where are any? Who is looking in to Diane Feinstein and her military contracts? Congress is all hot and bothered over the justice department lawyers
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Congressional investigators are looking into new allegations a top official at the Justice Department illegally hired career lawyers based on their political affiliations.
Investigators are focusing on Bradley Schlozman, a former top official in the department’s Civil Rights Division, who recently returned to Washington after serving as interim U.S. attorney in Kansas City, Missouri.
Imagine, people being hired for government for their political affiliations. It’s totally unheard of! (snicker)
Yet congress is completely ignoring the conflict of interest from Diane Feinstein, choosing to say that their fellow Democrat did nothing improper, despite going after Duke Cunningham with a vengence
( – Sen. Dianne Feinstein may have had as much of a financial interest in two defense contractors as her husband who controlled them, according to California law.
The state’s "community property law" could be relevant at a time when the senior Democratic senator from California is facing allegations of a conflict of interest and growing calls for an inquiry.
Feinstein stepped down late last year from the Senate Appropriations Committee’s subcommittee on military construction (MILCON) after five years on the panel. The subcommittee was charged with reviewing construction projects, some of which were awarded to the Perini and URS firms owned by Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum.
So it is possible that she benefited directly, under the law, for those contracts. Regardless, this should be given the proper look by Congress that it deserves.
And where is the rest of the Big Media? They have, for the most part, ignored this story, since it is a Democrat involved. Feinstein surely knew, like every other lawmaker does, where her earmarks were going.
"A, the Senate Ethics Committee can’t absolve her of any potential federal law violation," said Fitton. "B, the ethics committee could be wrong. C, they haven’t seen all the potential conflicts; or D, they could be completely right, but we’ll only know if we look at this further to find out."
Were she a Republican, the hearings would be non-stop.
Meanwhile, in other pork related news
Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) exploded at a colleague on the Appropriations defense subcommittee, Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.), on the House floor last week after Tiahrt voted in a private meeting to cut $23 million from a project in Murtha’s district.
Murtha vented his anger against Tiahrt for voting last Wednesday to kill the center in Johnstown, Pa., by unleashing a loud, finger-jabbing, spittle-spraying piece of his mind, according to lawmakers who witnessed it. Murtha threatened to withdraw support from a defense project associated with Boeing that would convert commercial aircraft into military refueling tankers. Such a move could create big problems for the project because Murtha is chairman of the Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, which allocates all defense spending.
In Real Life® that would be consider, hmmm, extortion. In Congress, it is business as usual.
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[…] to readers from Pirate’s Cove, Outside The Beltway, Blue Star Chronicles, stikNstein, Perri Nelson’s […]
On a Wonderful Day Like Today……
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