It’s time to expose the hypocrisy!
Corrupt Democrats, watch out! When Democrats made "ethics" the centerpiece of their 2006 campaign, Matt Margolis and Mark Noonan, leading bloggers of Blogs for Bush and GOP Bloggers knew the public wasn’t getting the whole story. That is, until now!
In their new release, Caucus of Corruption: The Truth about the New Democratic Majority, Margolis and Noonan expose the shocking dirty secrets Democrats don’t want you to know—and that will be sure to outrage the nation.
As Mark Twain once wrote, "America has no criminal class, except Congress." Margolis and Noonan solidify this statement and much more in their definitive source on Democratic dirty deeds, Caucus of Corruption—a must-read for conservatives, political junkies, and everyone concerned about the dubious ethics and shady goals of the new Democratic majority.
Caucus of Corruption: The Truth about the New Democratic Majority is now available through your favorite outlets: