Happy Friday to all! It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it!
So, you’re asking, how did Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius make the cover of this weeks Trackback Friday? Did she surrender to Al Qaeda? Call for "redeployment?" No, none of the above. You remember Gov. Sebelius’ little post tornado meltdown, right? Where she made the mistake of blaming the Iraq war and the deployment of the Kansas Nation Guard for slow cleanup, then was soundly destroyed and made to look like a complete bufoon when the facts quickly came out. But, who told her to say those idiotic things, turning what should have been a time to pull together into a quick partisan rant?
I was listening to the Quinn & Rose show this morning on XM radio when Host, Jim Quinn told his audience that Howard Dean called Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius early, around 5 am, one morning after the tornado had destroyed the town of Greensburg, Kansas and discussed with her what to say about the tornado and how to blame the war in Iraq and the Bush administration on a slow response to the aftermath.
He also said that she, Gov. Sebelius, called Senator Sam Brownback’s office only to learn he wasn’t there but then called him on his cell phone and reached him while he was in his car were she confessed to him that she had been instructed by her party leadership, (more specifically, Howard Dean) on how to politicize the tornado’s destruction of Greensburg and attack the White House and the Iraq war for a seemingly slow response. She reassured the Senator that her allegations didn’t blame him or Pat Roberts, also a Kansas Senator, for the lack of immediate response.
That would explain her public statements to the press that proved later to be untrue. She made statements to the effect that the Iraq war and the deployment of the national guard units to Iraq from her state has left Kansas without the equipment and man power needed to respond more quickly to the tornado’s aftermath. This all turns out to be false and the governor herself has back tracked on her own claims.
Mr. Quinn also revealed that she confessed to Brownback that she couldn’t pass up such an opportunity like this to attack the President whose approval ratings, in this hostile political climate, is so low.
These revelations are startling and if true should call into question the governors competence and her judgment. Quinn adamantly stressed that his source, who he didn’t name because he was sure it would jeopardize his job, was extremely reliable and in a position that would give him direct knowledge of these revelations.
So, how did Surrendie pick Kathleen to be this weeks covergirl? Simple. She has completely surrendered her standing and dignity to the moonbat wing of the Democrat Party. She abandoned any pretense of principle to use a tragedy for petty political smears.
And, after she had already surrendered to the crazies, she surrendered even further by revealing who was behind her little chunk of insanity to Senator Brownback.
Now, if only she would go on TV and tearfully beg for forgiveness for taking stupid advice, or go ballistic and threaten to punch the President, ala Mary Landrieu, she could pull the surrender trifecta.
If you do not believe the Free Republic, why not check the story at Hot Air, in which Bryan posts a response he got from the Quinn and Rose Show.
Then Sebelius explained the path to her comments. After Brownback told her that he was very disappointed in her, She pleaded “You know me Sam, I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t have to.†She declared “Howard (Dean) called me around 5 o’clock (in the morning) and told me not to ask The White House for any help or make any statements until I heard back. Dick (Durban?) called me an hour or 2 later and that’s when he told me we needed to use this ‘n’ said to talk about the Guard all bein’ at war.â€
Would intentionally putting her constituents, who had just dealt with an F5 tornado, and might have been hurt or dying, constitute an impeachable, even criminal act?
Granted, it could be made up by the person talking to the Quinn and Rose Show, but, what if it isn’t?
Update: according to the same post at Hot Air, there are not only denials by the DNC and Sen. Brownback’s office, but cease and desist orders have come from the DNC aimed at the Free Republic and XM Radio. I find it very interesting that a Party that has engaged in constant conspiracy theories with little to no evidence, particularly against the Bush admin, can’t take a little bit of CT back at it, and they have to trot out the lawyers. As the old saying goes, they can dish it out, but can’t take it themselves.
Gateway Pundit has Senator Brownback’s offices denial.
So, I’ll put this post under Conspiracy Theory 101, and wait for the DNC lawyers to slap down their kook fringe (we bought it, we paid for it, and we’re taking it back) for their Trutherism.
Send a trackback to this post, but don’t forget to link it.

So Kansas’ female Defeatocrat governor used a natural disaster and 12 deaths to play an anti-war card? Hey governor, ‘Thou shalt not lie!’Follow your YELLOW brick road and I pray the citizens of Kansas use this dispicable ordeal to vote her ugly ass out of power! “You’re not in America anymore?” Add her to the Flying Surrender Monkeys Blackbeard!
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